[center][img=http://i58.tinypic.com/hug239.jpg] [b]Joseph Allard [Male | 22 | Hunter of SOHNS][/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59910/posts/ic]"Hunted: The Fall of Lycans"[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59910/posts/ooc]OoC[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59540/posts/ooc]Interest Check[/url][/center] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Joseph is a very opinionated individual. He also exudes confidence. Though he may not be the most handsome Englishman in the country, he prides himself in his abilities as a Hunter and as a man who can make ladies swoon. While his confidence may be justified in the former respect, he's rather big headed where the latter subject is concerned. He doesn't seem to understand that many of the women with whom he flirts actually mock him behind his back, thus his confidence remains unwavering. While the Hunter does believe that all women should learn self-defense against Lycans or evil humans, he believes that they should only be allowed to learn in order to protect their children and themselves at their homes. He firmly believes that all fieldwork should be left to the men, and therefore does not approve of any woman becoming a member of SOHNS. He does believe that SOHNS should allow more men of colour to join their cause though he doesn't necessarily think they're in the same social league as well-to-do white men. He simply understands that Hunters need good numbers, and he'd heard that most Lycans weren't exactly discriminatory, so Joseph figures that more men of colour in SOHNS means fewer being taken into the fold of monsters. When around people he deems his social equals (generally wealthy, white men), he likes to make jokes and have fun. He's a bit of a party boy though he does know to get down to business when it's time to be serious about his work with SOHNS. Above all else, being a Hunter is his passion, and as far as he's concerned, it's the only thing he's ever been good at. He feels that Lycans make for more exciting game than deer or boars ever could have. For Joseph, the danger is intoxicating but not nearly as much as the pride of the kill itself.[/indent] [b]Appearance[/b] [indent]5'11" 145 lbs. Short, dark red hair Grey-blue eyes Pale skin Covered, from head to toes, in freckles[/indent] [b]Skills[/b] [indent]Hunting Lycans Wielding a musket Wielding a crossbow Wielding a smallsword with a silver coated blade[/indent] [b]Relationships[/b] [indent][b]Hiram Allard[/b] | Male | 51 | Status | Living | Father [b]Nora Allard[/b] | Female | Deceased | Mother [b]Members of SOHNS[/b] | Mostly Male | Various Ages | Some Living, Some Dead | Hunters [/indent] [b]History[/b] [indent]Joseph Allard's birth was planned and welcomed by both of his parents. Unfortunately, his mother didn't survive it. Instead, he grew up in a too-large manor with nannies and a somewhat distant father. While he initially loved his nannies, as he aged and learned more about high society, he began to do everything in his power to rid himself of them. The turnover rate was incredibly high as he terrorized them relentlessly. His father did little to nothing about his son's behavior, simply hiring a new caretaker each time Joseph managed to frustrate one enough for her to leave. His relationship with his tutors wasn't much better. Generally, he had a difficult time focusing on school work, and the material rarely sunk into his head. He would have much rather gone on game hunts with his father or with anyone else as long as it could take his mind off of jumbled, confusing numbers and the mind numbingly boring literature he was forced to study daily. Finally, when he was of age, his father bribed Joseph's way into an elite university. The only thing it did was to give the young Allard boy more excuses to lose himself in a life of partying rather than his studies. It was during one such night of inappropriate behavior that his life changed forever. Joseph had been drinking heavily when he stumbled into the alley behind his favorite pub. He was about to relieve himself on the wall when he saw a massive creature with wolf-like features though its body was almost human despite the raw muscles and misshapen limbs. Without a second thought, the drunkard drew his gun and shot, managing to land a very good shot despite his double-vision. Unfortunately, the creature hardly even hesitated, growling in anger at the man. He quickly reloaded and shot once more before the beast rushed him. Just as its giant maw opened before his face, it's teeth dripping with saliva, a blade appeared from its chest right where the heart would lie. Blood soaked into Joseph's clothing as the beast fell atop him, breathing its last. He quickly came to know that the blade had been wielded by a hunter who had felt remarkably impressed with Joseph's aim, especially in light of the boy's intoxication. Had his bullets been coated or tipped in silver, the beast may have been weakened by the shots. His savior sobered up the Allard boy and brought him to SOHNS. After dropping out of university to fully commit to the Hunters' cause, he spent the better part of three and a half years learning even more and helping them as a Hunter. Up to this point, he has had nine successful kills and at least twice as many assisted kills (those credited to others after wounds he inflicted weakened the beasts).[/indent] ----- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1845479]Table of Contents[/url]