Moving through the snow wasn't too difficult really. So long as they moved fast enough there wasn't even time for them to sink down, plus they could use Ki to keep themselves from doing so. Viral wasn't so lucky as to be able to fly, but judging by the scarcity of clothes in comparison to the boys he didn't mind the cold quite as much. That must be handy, not being bothered by something like this. Pretty situational though too, Takeshi mused. There were the polar regions on Earth, winters, and then Narbu. Other worlds probably had cold too, but far as he was aware very few places were this harsh. On a scale of practicality being immune to cold wasn't [i]that[/i] useful. He'd like to think so at least, but having a gust of wind find its way down his collar and chill his entire being made him envious of Viral. This place couldn't be all too far away, hopefully. "I was only playing with Shu because he wanted to play!" Takeshi retorted, getting all defensive. Realizing he might upset Shu by saying such things he looked back, smiling apologetically, "I mean... I would play with you anyways, you know? But I played with you before because you were asking me to. And I paid enough attention to know what we are doing." If at least one of them knew where they were going then what did it matter if the others didn't as well? Not like all three of them had to navigate, just one would do. Again being called out for his attention, or lack thereof, Takeshi stuck out his tongue at Viral childishly. "I know enough to do what we've got to do, that's what matters. So I missed some details here and there, big deal." Viral was bound to fill him in anyways if he had indeed missed something important so there was no worry in that regard. Jumping up over a high bank of snow Takeshi grinned as he leaned over slightly, scooping up some snow in his hand. Giving Shu a knowing look he tossed the snowball right at Viral, trying to hit him square in the back. "Catch!"