Name: Ada Snieg Age: 21 Gender: Female Race: Snow Elf Side: Unaffiliated thus far Rank: N/A Personality: Ada is a very calm and collected individual, and she doesn’t lose her cool very often. She is fairly cold to strangers, mostly because she lived around the same people for most of her life and she’s just not used to meeting new people. If you talk to her for more that 20 minutes though she will start to warm up to you and she can be very nice. She is slightly naive though because she has lived with so few p Appearance: [hider=Ada] [img=] [/hider] History: Ada comes from the far frozen north. Her people are nomadic, and her group was small. Only her family and two others. She learned to hunt from an early age and found her dragon around the same time. One day, when she was about 12, Ada was exploring the forest that her clan had just moved to. She stumbled(literally stumbled, it was a whole and the ground and she fell into it) upon a tunnel that led to a large underground cavern. The walls were covered with intricate webs of ice and large ice cycles hanging from the ceiling. In the middle of it all, was a small nest of snow. A large pale blue egg was nestled into the now. Ada wasn’t sure how she knew, but she knew it was living although it had clearly been there undisturbed for a long time. Approaching it cautiously she reached out a trembling hand to touch the surface of it. The shell was ice cold to the touch, but when she came into contact with it the outside started to crack. Jumping back in fear that she was broken it, she was amazed to watch a baby dragon emerge from it. The dragon immediately grew attached to her and crawled over to her. She leaned down to touch it cold spines and then picked it up. The infant dragon curled up in her arms and nuzzled against her happily. Ada hurried out of the cavern and back to her clan, excited to show them her finding. Her family was equally shocked and amazed, it had been ages since they had seen a dragon. This was clearly a good omen, but when they tried to take the dragon away from Ada to profit from it themselves, the dragon grew angry and lashed out. It had clearly chosen Ada and Ada had claimed it in return. The family quickly accepted this and allowed Ada to keep the dragon. Years have passed and Ada and her dragon, who she had named Lód, have matured into adulthood. After passing near and stopping by a village farther south that ner clan usually traveled, Ada was shocked to hear news of dragon riders in the south. After thinking it over and talking with her family, Ada has decided to journey to the southern kingdoms with Lód. Weapons: [hider=bow] [img=] [/hider] Skills/abilities/power: A small amount of ice magic, mostly that she can’t die from the cold. Also the ability to telepathically communicate with Lód. She has the abillity for freeze water and other fluids too. Oh, and she’s a dragon rider Other: n/a Name: Lód Age: 9 Gender: Female Rider:Ada Snieg Ability: Ice manipulator? Breather? I’m not sure how to phrase this :T Personality: Lód is really rather shy around people she doesn’t know. Its kinda funny how her personality differs from her looks because she looks all big and intimidating but she’s actually very timid and sweet. Appearance: [hider=Lód] [img=] [/hider] Other:n/a