[center][b][u]Moon Rider-Black King[/b][/u][/center] --- Moon Rider nodded her approval to Dark Wraith’s actions. Soon, very soon…Corpse Collector would become the catalyst to her goals, whatever lofty machinations they be. The hacker was a dangerous one, a case that Moon Rider had been keeping tabs on for quite some time. The best way to describe the player with the hidden status was simply “childish”. Childish and mad. The sound of a second pair of footsteps then entered her ear, slightly echoing off of the massive black walls around them. Soon, another player walked in and dared to stand before her presence. To see the Black King herself in the flesh up close like this….certainly an honor for any player. Especially one who stuttered so nervously. [i]”E-Excuse me, my King...I, uh, I'm here about your... well, your invitation. I'm Curved Solitaire, at your disposal however you see fit."[/i] The dark-haired Avatar gave the player, aptly named Curved Solitaire, a warm smile. She [i]did[/i] say that all were welcome in her Kingdom, and she had meant every word of that bold declaration. “There’s no need for such a formality when addressing me, Curved Solitaire,” she said encouragingly. “Welcome to the Ebony Strykers. To fill you in, our first mission as a Guild will be to hunt down and terminate a hacker in Deep Ground. A player by the name of Corpse Collector.” Her gaze darkened slightly at the mention of the name. That girl just didn’t know when to quit….Moon Rider glanced at Dark Wraith. “I will leave it to you to train our newest member for now; I suspect we’ll be meeting the others soon enough.” [center][b][u]Corpse Collector[/u][/b][/center] --- “Oh?” The girl in the white coat with the white top hat laced with red resting on her blond hair sat casually at the edge of the armored truck. Dangling her legs to the side without a care in the world, she smirked coyly at Arm’s Slave attempt of tact. “Oh silly, you don’t have to play dumb with me! You know…heh, I used to be a part of that crowd myself. Yeah, it was real fun…” When Arm’s Slave decided to change the subject, so to did the Corpse Collector, not really caring if he was really interested in the beginning of her statement or not. Hey, he was the one who diverted the conversation. It wasn’t her fault. “You’re a war fanatic then, huh? You know, lugs like you don’t usually have a lot of brains to compensate with. But I can tell that you’re smarter than the average Berserker. And yet…hehe, I don’t think you’re as cunning as an Assassin either.” Giggling lightly to herself, she held on to the roof as the truck eventually slowed to a crawl next to the cat-like player from before. Seeing as the Dissolution attacking her was thus no more, it was safe to assume that she was relatively fine. When the player, now labeled as Smitten Kitten, promptly denied Arm’s Slave’s offer, Corpse Collector tilted her head in a knowing manner. “You’re not quite good with the ladies, are you? Ah don’t worry Mr. Arm’s Slave! I’m sure you’ll find a girl just right for you…one of these days~” Sighing dreamily, she then proceeded to give a small wave to Smitten Kitten, followed by a wink.