"Why are hostages a problem again? Portals solve everything! Well, almost everything..." MC said, staying at the VTOL and casting portals at the hostages she could see, preferring the ones that were out of the reach of the other heroes, the portals forming under the hostages, and thus, causing them to fall from a modest height into safety. MC didn't really care much for the bickering of Black and Vigilance, but she did notice Black was pretty pervy. [i]"If only Light were here... It would be entertaining.[/i] MC thought to herself. Watching Ocean Warrior talk to Pariah, MC chimed in. "If hes my meat shield, I can do a lot of damage. Magic beats magic, usually." she said, waving her staff in eagerness. ---------- As her injuries healed, Light regained consciousness. the first thing she noticed is that she was in a totally different location. She then heard hot Rod being concerned about her and Sonja. "I'm fine hot Rod. Apparently they thought I was dead. Dunno how long I was out, but its really not smart for them to just leave me there to heal." Light said. "Anyway... what happened?"