[b][u]Daniel - Free Runner[/u][/b] Daniel reached the rooftops in a matter of seconds and continued on his way. As he traveled, he took out his shotgun and reloaded it, then placed it back. It wasn't too long before he reached the Black Guild Hall and entered. He had only heard the words "Corpse Collector" when he landed behind someone named Curved Solitaire and attempted to kick him in the back, but instead, an angel-like creature appeared to take the blow, disappearing as soon as Daniel placed his foot back onto the ground. "What the-" Daniel said before a yellow blur moved right past him and stopped before the throne. --- [b][u]Michelle - Shooting Star-Yellow King[/u][/b] Michelle zoomed across multiple cities, stopping only to make turns along the streets. When she was running, not even galloping horses could match her pace. Distance was no obstacle for her as she ran through the White city, Red city, and Blue city. There were a few players who made the mistake of trying to stop her, and a few slashes with her swords got them out of the way. She reached the Faded City in very little time and just kept running, loving the wind blowing across her face. As she turned a corner, she ran past an armored vehicle with a person on top and another person walking, but paid them little attention. She turned another corner and there it was, the place where the Black King resided. She ran inside, interrupting someone who was taking, stopping to a screeching halt right in front of the Black King's throne. Michelle bowed, smiling, and said, "Greetings, Black King. I am the Yellow King of the Tinged Berserkers," raising her hand for a handshake.