[b]Caleb[/b] "Beach it is!" Elissa decided, though he had yet to give his opinion. Not that he didn't want to go to the beach, of course. It would be nice to do something typically 'vacation' so they could really feel like their trip was beginning. Plus, even though he wasn't [i]normally[/i] a gooey type of guy, it would be pretty romantic to watch the sun go down with Cara. She seemed to bring that side out in him, more and more. He didn't doubt for a second that Elissa and Norris would try to loose them for a little while so they could be a couple. Luckily, it worked out in his favor, this time. "What's wrong with a good burger?" Caleb grinned when Cara guessed what he wanted to eat. She knew him too well but he didn't mind. In fact, he was enjoying the closeness and the way they were gradually learning so many new things about one another. He had often grown quickly tired of previous girlfriends but it wasn't like that with Cara. She was different and [i]real[/i] and a lot of fun. It was a good thing, too, considering they were going to be spending so much time together. He hoped that there would be no arguments on the trip and that they'd all get along well because he really didn't want to have to cut anything short. These were the four people he was closest too and he wanted to have a kick ass summer with them. [b]Elissa[/b] "I second a burger," Elissa nodded eagerly, her stomach rumbling in anticipation. She hadn't eaten anything since she'd been sick that morning and now she was starving. The sooner they ate, the better. "With cheese and mayonnaise and a little bit of ketchup. You know what would be good on it too? Butterscotch sauce. Mmm, just drizzled all over the meat." The thought was making her practically salivate and she wanted nothing more in that moment than to have exactly that. "Oh God, that's what I want." "Butterscotch sauce on a burger?!" Caleb demanded, looking at her like she'd gone a little crazy. Maybe she had. She'd never had such a strong desire for such an odd mix of food before. Shrugging her shoulders, she smiled nervously. "What? It's not [i]that[/i] weird," she insisted, though perhaps it was. She was beginning to think that maybe her suspicions were ringing true and that this was the first of her cravings. "It's pretty gross," Caleb argued as they began to make their way out of the R.V. Maybe he wouldn't eat [i]anything[/i], after all. "Well, whatever. I'm going to try it and if it's amazing, you'll thank me for thinking it up." All she could think about now was sinking her teeth into a juicy burger and tasting the combined flavor of meat, cheese and sweet butterscotch. Mmm. Okay, this was definitely not normal. Elissa skipped up to Cara and linked her arm with hers. "Sorry you were stuck with my brother all day. I promise I won't leave you on your own with him too often," she smiled sweetly. She was glad that her best friend and her brother seemed to get on well enough, though. It meant she could feel a little less guilty about spending time alone with Norris.