[u]Garth Wright | Bowed Woods - Orange King[/u] [i]Crazies,[/i] the King thought to himself, [i]the whole lot of them.[/i] Of course, this had been his whole intention for intruding so deep into enemy territory; to confront the Black King together instead of alone. There was likely some reason for such a extreme change in how the Black Guild operates, and two Kings with an established animosity coming to talk were better than just one. "Fine," he said, not betraying his own thoughts through tone or facial expression. "We'll ride your horse, but we will also be sticking to just the one." He shot an appraising glance at Aimless Amnesty. "Are you sure, my liege? I would gladly-" Before Zealous could continue, his King simply shot him look which said, [i]'Not now.'[/i] "Right, got it," he said with a gulp. "Let's try to keep our affairs cordial for the time we're together, hm?" He said, simply glancing at the White Terror as he got on his borrowed mount. "Wouldn't want your subordinates to see the [i]bad side[/i] of their King." Rather like the Bubble, they fit, but with an uncomfortable Zealous sandwiched in between. "I'll name you Sunshine Stallion~" whispered Bellowed Mist in the back, giving the machine a pat. "Well then," the Orange King gestured in front of them, "Ruler of this Domain, shall we proceed?" --- [u]Allen Docson | Curved Solitaire[/u] The entire episode in the Throne Room was leaving Solitaire disoriented. The dissecting glare of this Dark Wraith had sent an uncomfortable shiver through his being. The proposition of being paired with such a girl to be trained despite their obvious differences, and the arrival of the Yellow King within the Black King's court. This had all been topped by his own relatively bold decision to come and affiliate himself with the Black Strykers in the first place. But, at the same time, he wouldn't back off and leave; this girl fascinated him, and he truly wanted to learn who she was. "I'll try," he said in relation to her request on formality, assuming it would go unnoticed in the rush of events that were happening around them. The Corpse Collector... A hacker. A hacker in a game so deeply rooted within every living person's entire being, messing with the code that determined a person's very future... Such a person could kill, [i]really[/i] kill, so finding them would obviously be a great task, and burden, for any group of people. Yet, it was likely no one with figure this, and view it as another simple part of Deep Ground. Typical.