hmmmmm well........i dunno. because some want to be pokemons it will be hard to find something because not all of us will live in the same region. hmmmm i just got an idea tho c: how about this: some legendary pokemons suddenly called us all in and then send us together on a great quest to deveat an evil organisation/defeat anothe pokemon that is being evil and trys to overpower the gods to rule over the world. and in both cases it would be to dangerous for them to go because they might get catched and then be used for the evil plans of the enemie. or we could say they tried but failed and are now weakend and need to rest in like a long sleep or stuff like that. and if somebody wants to be a trainer he jjust was watching us on our meeting with the legendary pokemon and then gets caught and forced to come with us or something like that. maybe a deal with the legendary pokemon or something like that. if we do stuff like this someone can even rp as an evil trainer/pokemon.