Name: Jacqueline Nickname(s): Jay or Jackie District: 4 Appearance: short, long curly vibrant deep red hair with bangs, light lilac sparkling eyes, a round face, her eyelashes are long making her eyes look bigger and drawing more attention to them, has self harm scars along her wrist, lips are pink and plump, pale skin dispite the time she spends outside. Personality: shy, very quite, has horrific trust issues, struggles with depression, hard to get to know but once you do she has a bit of an edge, optimistic, can be sassy, not very out spoken, doesn't like to look helpless, hates to cry in front of people and in general, acts tough but isn't ((emotionally)), and when she wants to, she can be brave. Skills: good in hand to hand combat, works well with daggers, very quick and light on her feet, has knowledge of what is poisonous and what isn't, can work with tritons and swords also. Weaknesses: mentions of her life before she got reaped, her optimism, her curiosity, her insecurities, sometimes her swiftness can cause her to be careless with her actions, her bravery and she gets panic and anxiety attacks. Fears: spiders, snakes, drowning, her loved ones ((the ones she has left)) being killed by the capitol Backstory: When she was born her birth parents and two brothers died ((got murdered by an Avox)) and she got adopted by two friends of her parents, her adoptive dad died when she was five due to a fishing accident, her adoptive mom became an alcoholic and abusive, when she started school she got bullied a lot which led her to self harming when she was around ten, when she was eleven she officially got diagnosed with depression, her mom became pregnant and basically forgot all about her. She had very few friends and was a bit actually relieved to be reaped but then the panic kicked in that she was reaped.