Smiling at his words, even though the ‘friendly’ effect of such an action was wasted due to White Terror’s mask, her six eyes slitted in the most disturbingly foreign manner as she nodded. The Orange King was still as much of a douche as always, even though she was pretty sure that most of the Ivory Masks knew of her ‘bad girl gone wild’ side when it came to fighting. Her slitted ‘smiling’ glance was cast over towards the Wizard of the Silent Marauders, Bellowed Mist, as she commented airily, [b]“That’s a fine name for the steed. Remind me to name it that after all this is settled, darling~”[/b] With that, she did a little finger circling thing in the air to show that she was going, before striking the flanks of the mecha-horse. [b]“Mecha-Bucephalus, ACCELERATE!”[/b] The mecha rainbow horse whinnied and stood up on its hind legs majestically, before a vivid, pulsating beam of rainbow energy shot out of its ass, rocketing the horse into the sky at a speed that was quite supersonic. In mere moments, the White King was soaring above the clouds, laughing hysterically at the 85 degrees vertical ascent. She really needed to thank Frost Witch for getting these horses. She’ll never be able to enjoy flesh-horses again. In what felt like mere moments, she reached the district of the Black King, a dark void compared to the colorful landscape of every other territory. Then, the robot horse overshot it, and Haruka almost fell off the mecha-horse while it was doing a u-turn. Passing overhead the lonely hall of the Black King once more, the robot horse decelerated too slowly, over shooting the mark once more. This repeated for the better half of a minute, before Haruka got sick of this shit, and, during the sixth pass, jumped off the mecha-horse, who continued to horse around without a rider on it. Waving good-bye to the rainbow-farting Mecha-Bucephalus, the White King tumbled through the air towards the rapidly approaching roof of the Ebony Stryker’s Guild Hall. With a thunderous crash, she kicked open the roof with the activation of her <> passive, and landed on her feet. The ground beneath her feet rumbled at her presence, spiderweb cracks spreading out from the epicenter of her dynamic entrance. She had landed right between the Yellow King and the Black King, and without a backwards glance, the White Terror straightened herself, the black-sclera eyes of her mask just inches away from Moon Rider’s own. For a moment, a tense silence suffocated the room. Then, her eyes narrowed into sharp slits, before the White King said, not caring how much personal space she was invading, [b]“Sorry about the ceiling, but hey, now you have a skylight, Blackie~"[/b]