Ruby had the perfect guise, so perfect in fact that she would fit in without a single question being raised. It just required a few things. Add a nice helping of Hipster glasses and a quick pencil through her pinned-up hair and she looked like a pretty good-looking intern for Aperture Science. Of course, she was on par with the senior engineers there but she would just pretend to be a little dumb for a while. Ignorance was bliss, after all. After pinning a fake name-badge to her shirt and slinging a laptop case around her neck, she headed off to Aperture headquarters. Unfortunately, she didn't have a lot of methods of travel so the public buses had to do the job today. It was good though; she couldn't be tracked back by cctv then. Getting off at her stop, she joined the throng of excited students and kept her cool through speech after long, boring speech. The only fun actually started when she broke off from the main group when they got deeper into the building. She had studied the building plan which she may or may not have obtained illegally. After that, finding her way to the first security door was an absolute breeze. Luckily, Aperture hadn't been bothered placing their cameras far from the places they were pointed at so she could easily just give them a little lapse in actually recording images. One door down, she proceeded down the abandoned hallway before going to phase two - lost intern mode. She was pretty so they probably wouldn't be questioning how she even got in. Making sure to unbutton her shirt down one button; she rounded the corner with her scared look as she peeked around. Just as expected, two burly looking security guards were stationed at the door. Making sure to lapse the cameras there too, she approached a little as one of them piped up. "You lost girl?" She snorted inwardly at that - this girl was about to break into Aperture labs and steal satellite plans. "Um... I was with the intern group and I think I got a little lost. Do you know where I should go?" She questioned, playing the damsel almost perfectly as she hid a silent smirk. Both of them looked at each other, not even working out that the only way in here was past security doors that no intern could pass. "I'll show you the way back..." One of them answered as he nodded to his partner before moving forward. Almost instinctively, Ruby lifted her earphones and plugged them into her ears before flicking her music on. The guard was confused and continued towards her with narrowed eyes. As soon as her hand went for her pocket, his went for his own but not very quickly at that. Within a few seconds, he was shuddering against her after being tazed. Being a big guy, he was a perfect meat shield - not that that mattered anyway. Dropping the lights away, she extracted the gun from his pocket and shot past him, aiming at the legs of the other guy. After a rather large grunt, she reasoned she had hit him and continued on for a bit with a smile as he tried to reach for his gun. "Bad idea, boy." With that, she connected her boot with his face and knocked him cold. It felt satisfying but painful and Ruby was thankful that the cameras were off so no one could notice her hopping about holding her foot. Anyways, after that fiasco she passed through two other unguarded doors before arriving at the exact place she wanted to be. Server rooms always felt nice to her. Ruby liked things cold and in there was particularly cold to keep everything running. Sighing blissfully, she allowed her eyes to lid over as she spread her arms and spun. The whir of machine, the hum of production. Oh; it was heaven. After shaking herself and telling herself she had work to do, Ruby quickly pulled a few small devices from her pockets and plugged them in to their respective locations. Although this server room wasn't were all the main things were stored, she could still access them through the shared network of file-servers. The little devices were mainly to help her access things but once she was ready, she was processing through gigabytes of data in seconds. It took her way too long to find what she was looking for but she filled the time wit h dancing to music and mouthing the words. Quickly passing the data onto a backup hard-drive, she took her own mental copy before pulling away her machines. Just as the music in her ears ended, another music started up that was none too pleasing. "Security breach. All personnel to sector twenty." After that, it was just random alarms going off. "Shit."