[b][u]Sam Jensen - Gleeful Jackal, Blue King[/u][/b] Well. That was informative. Gleeful Jackal emerged from his hiding place as the White and Orange Kings flew off towards Black's domain. So they wished to present a united front against Moon Rider, then? Well, goodie for them. He hadn't gotten anything useful out of that little spying session, but hell, it hadn't hurt him any. Drawing his grappling hooks, the Blue King took off running as he leapt off the rooftop, firing a hook at the next building in line and reeling himself in at breakneck speed as he followed after the three flying mecha-horses in the distance. Some time later, he reached the Black King's Guild Hall, snickering slightly as he noticed Haruka's horse overshooting the building several times. As the White King leapt off her horse, Gleeful Jackal raised a grappling hook and fired at the horse, reeling himself towards the robotic mount in the air. As he hurtled towards it, he whirled himself around and touched down on the horse, using it as a stepping stone to reposition himself before he leapt off, somersaulting off and through the hole that White Terror had made, touching down next to the White and Black Kings in a three-point landing. Pulling himself up, the Blue King made a show of dusting himself off, smirking slightly at the sight of White Terror in Moon Rider's face. [b]"Thanks for the entrance, Whitey. Sorry about your mecha-pony, though. Might've dented it a little."[/b] He said cheerfully while looking around the room, his eyes stopping on the Yellow King. [b]"My, my. We've got four Kings here. Maybe five, if OJ decides to get his ass down here."[/b] The Blue King shrugged, leaning casually against a pillar, his hands in his pockets. [b]"Anyways, I don't think we've ever met before. If it's not obvious already, I'm the Blue King. Nice to meet you, Yellow and Blackie."[/b]