[quote=Zmerr] Randin grumbled. He sat in his room alone with his feet on a dark-wood desk, leaning back in his chair. He stared at the ceiling. How did this all happen? Randin was the older prince in the family, yet, his father's dying wish was to make Rowan king. It had infuriated Randin. But that was years ago. Now Randin could be found in his soldiers' barrack, sharing the cramped room with them. Sure, he was a prince, but only by blood. He no longer had a right to the title. Rowan had banished him. Rowan said Randin was too dangerous. He sent Randin away with his most loyal. So Here they were. All 400 soldiers and one banished prince. [/quote] One of his soldiers hurried into Randil's Room, not even pausing to knock. He seemed slightly out of breath as he straightened and gave the prince a salute, "S-Sir. There has been a sighting of a dragon landing a could of miles to the north." He said hastily. Lód and Ada had just landed for the day. They had been flying for hours and Lód was totally exhausted. She flopped into the ground as soon as she landed and grumble into Ada's head, [i]"We've been flying all day. I don't care how eager you are to get to this capital city I'm taking a nap."[/i] Ada rolled her eyes at her friend as she slid off her back and walked up to her head, "Don't be lazy, we've only been flying for a few hours." She spoke allowed and Lód huffed a breath through her snout, blowing Ada's hair back with her cool breath. Ló opened her eyes and glared at her. [i]"I'm carrying you along with all of out stuff. You're just going along for the ride."[/i] Ló specified. Ada though for a moment and then nodded in agreement. "Okay, you're right. You take a nap, if you can in this heat." Lód closed her eyes and almost immedietly drifted off. Ada rolled ehr eyes and mumbled, "Lazy bones..." Before walking around her to sit leaning against Lód's side.