Tags: Stupid,Ritual,babies,blind,short. (Note: I am useing bold this time so it's a bit easier to see.) Baby Blue Original: [url=http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Baby_Blue] To play "Baby Blue, Blue Baby", you have to go into the bathroom on your own[b]And say Bloody mary three times looking in the mirror?[/b], turn off the lights and lock the door[b]Why does the door need to be locked? Are blue babies scared of locked doors?[/b]. Then you stare into the mirror, hold out your arms like you are rocking a baby and repeat the words "Baby Blue, Blue Baby" 13 times without making a mistake [b]What happens if you make a mistake will a red baby appear? Will a member of the blue men group appear? Explain.[/b]. If you do it right, you will suddenly feel the weight of an invisible baby in your arms[b]How do I know this is the blue baby if it is invisible? What if it turns out to be a purple baby? If I drop the baby will it bleed? Who leaves a invisible baby in children hands who do this?[/b]. The baby will get heavier and heavier as it grows larger and larger[b]Before it gos off to collage knowing it wants to be a space man?[/b]. You will feel it scratching your arms[b]What a asshole baby. Here I am holding it, and it has the gull to hurt me.[/b]. Before it gets too heavy, you have to quickly take the invisible baby, flush it down the toilet and run out of the bathroom[b]wut No really did it just say, flush the baby down the toilet? WELL THAT A MIGHTY FINE WAY OF GETTING RID OF GHOST BABIES! Ghost baby haunting your room? Why just pick it up, and flush the fucker down a toilet, fuck the ghostbusters, we got toilets. [/b]. If you don't do it fast enough, a hideous woman will appear in the mirror. She will yell "Give me back my baby![b]Pretty fucking sure flushing it at this point will just piss her off more. GIVE ME BACK MY BABY NO DON'T FLUSH IT![/b]" and scream loud enough to break glass. If you are still holding the baby, she will kill you.[b]What ever, by the time that happens the baby would be so big it be crushing you, but hey over kill never hurt.[/b] According to the legend, a group of girls found out about the blue baby story and decided to try it out[b]Where did they find it? Is there a rock in the wood inscribed on it with the way to summon the blue baby?[/b]. They didn't believe it would work[b]And that is the first step for lots of charterers in horror to meet there fates. [/b], so they sent their friend Laura into the bathroom on her own. She turned the lights off and closed the door behind her. Laura put out her arms and started chanting the phrase "Baby Blue, Blue Baby". All of a sudden a baby appeared in her arms and began scratching her[b]A invisible baby THANK YOU VERY MUCH. [/b]. Laura was scared out of her wits and had no idea what to do[b]Dear god she must not read the part about toilets being a ghost natural enemy. [/b]. She wanted to drop it and run, but was afraid of what might happen. She just stood there holding the invisible baby as it grew heavier and heavier. Suddenly, she caught a sight of something horrible in the bathroom mirror and screamed in terror. When Laura's friends heard her screaming, they tried to open the bathroom door, but it was locked[b]GOOD JOB YOU KILLED HER, THANKS FOR PLAYING![/b]. Finally, they managed to run to a friend's house to get help. When they broke open the door, they found Laura lying dead on the bathroom floor. Her eyes had been scratched out[b]And had glass shards all in her, because glass exploding does that. [/b]. They couldn't move her body because something large and invisible was pinning her to the ground[b]So there it sat, all the way till today, pinned under a giant fat invisible baby, a bad ghost mother forgot to take back, after screaming about wanting it back. [/b]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I learned. Ghosts and mirrors go together like internet and trolls. Toilets are a ghost natural enemy. Invisible babes are blue. Ghosts are the fuck do they work? Ghost babies get fat then more you hold one. Ghost babies revert to small, and skinny size when called on by another person. Ghost babies are just as horrible as non ghost babies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Counts/rating. Hyper realistic count: 0 :( Baby count:1..2 maybe. Stupid revengeful ghosts count: 1, 2 if you count the baby. Amount of times to say words before something happens count : 13 scary 1/10 (maybe if you are a tiny kid it scare you. fun 2/10 (It gets a 2 for the flushing part.) Originality 0/10 (It combines babies which are normal for Creepy pastas, with a bloody mary clone, LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!) Chance of ever really happening. 1/10 (Sometimes satan has his stupid days.)