[img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/363/4/8/cool_anime_by_mohammadkakashi-d5pl9sr.png] Name: Saturn Age: 19 ( He appears to be 19 but being a planetary god he was last record to be at least 500 years old.) Species: Planetary God( A god given the name of a planet.) Ability: He usually uses his moons as weapons. One of his moons orbits him creating a ring of defense around him. He can also fly. Personality: Laid back , not a fan of work , playful and hardly serious. Bio: He and his other 7 siblings (Not counting Earth but counting pluto) Decided one of them should gather information on the creatures of Earth and Saturn was chosen. Other: Would do anything to get information on any creature of Earth.