Felix pressed his lips at the departing words of the fleeing survivor. "Bandit...king?" he murmured to himself. It was the first moment that the tall green haired man showed anything other than his somewhat detached grin faded even among the chaos and bloodshed of the very one-sided battle. "I don't much like the sound of that." All sorts of parasites tended to follow the desperation caused by the dragons. Normally it was simply opportunistic thugs that saw a chance to make easy money by bulling helpless civilians. It was simply a dirty truth. Those with low morals prayed on those with low luck. Those with such low standards of morals were often a side project of his when he came to towns. Seeing people who were willing to abuse other people weakness is something that didn't sit right with him. Ironic, he knew, coming from someone who still held ties with the thieves guild. But he had a unique view of such things where that came. There were codes of conduct in the thieves guild, laws and rules that kept them from...tipping the scales so to speak. Those who abused those laws were brought down by the thieves guild itself. Men like his father for example. But those where thoughts he let slide from the front of his mind into the blacker depths where he wouldn't have to think to hard about it. What was important here is someone seemed to be running an organized group of ill repute. This warranted investigation, perhaps even sending a word thieves guild way. He pursed his lips again, did the guild have a station this far out? Town seemed a little...blue collar for the thieves guild to be involved but you never know...Maybe some small chapter had budded here among all the competitive business. There could be a decent amount of work to have. But that was worries for later, he decided as his more natural demeanor returned. He clapped his hands, grinning at the other dragon slayers "What a fantastic display, I'm sure those dragons days are numbered with this skills gathering here." "A pleasure Leon." he said bowing and in mid bow glancing over to the lady slayer "And lily yes?" he lifted himself up right and looked about "Wonder where that arrow warrior be, fun trick with the wolves that was..." He cupped his hands about his mouth and called out loud enough to echo slightly against the trees "IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU TOO ARROW PERSON! I AM FELIX CRAL!" Turning back to Leon he whispered " Wonder how they did that thing with the wolves. I wish I knew, I never had much of a way with animals." he took a step back and made a thoughtful face as if finally getting around to considering Leons proposal. "Well after..." he counted on his fingers for a moment "Blimy, ten-ish years of dragonslaying I'd hope I could consider myself adequately skilled. But yes, forming a hunting band does sounds good. Especially if we are forced to engage some of the foul wyrms in their mountain nest. Fighting in tight quarts like mountain tunnels isn't my strongest suite. As you probable guessed by my entrance I work best with wide open areas.