[center]Donny Lee Yang - Arms Slave[/center] [b]"Ah? Where did you.... Ah, whatever."[/b] Arms Slave was surprised when Corpse Collector suddenly vanished. He figured it was some sort of assassin skill to vanish from a fight. He couldn't blame her; the moment he got out of his truck, the Black Tower was besieged by the various kings of the guilds and their lackeys. Arms Slave had it all planned out; he'd burst in, lock onto the kings, and Chain Catch them. He didn't care that they were all much higher level and outnumbered him. Surely the fact that he dared to attack the kings would impress the Black King. Arms Slave just entered when the world around him turned red. The system shouted over all the noise that everyone was getting forced out. To be pulled off Deep Ground immediately. Arms Slave's mood went dark. [b]"No..."[/b] He looked over at the Black King, and those gathered around her. One by one, people were getting forced off. He could see at the bottom of his HUD that he too was about to be forced off. [b]"No! Not now, not before - NO! NO NO NO!"[/b] Arms Slave shouted in fury. He wanted to fight, he wanted to attack the kings, to incite the biggest war in Deep Ground. He was not about to let some glitch stop him. He lashed out; four arms meant he could use up to four Chain Catches. One to the White King, one to the Blue King, one to the Yellow King. The last Chain Catch was aimed at the Black King, not out of hostile intent, only because Arms Slave was panicking. He had come too far to just be forced of. As though time slowed down, he could see in his vision a stream of 1 and 0. He was being taken out of the game. [b]"No..."[/b] His vision began to become more obscured. He had a hard time seeing if his Chain Catches connected. He saw portals. Half his vision was dark. [b]"No..."[/b] He looked at the Black King. The assassin, the mysterious, enigmatic ruler of the Ebon Strykers. Miss Moon Rider. [b]"SHIT!"[/b] Donny shot up in his seat in a cold sweat. His words echoed in his booth but were heard by no one. He breathed heavily and tried to reconnect, but nothing happened. Donny grew angry, his teeth and fist clenched tightly. He stood up and punched the wall, leaving a dent and bruising his hand. He began to curse and swear relentlessly as he continued to pummel the wall until he left a notable pattern of fist smeared with blood. His hands were purple and red and his eyes held a hostile intent. Than his phone began to ring. He whipped it out and shouted into the speaker. [b]"WHAT!?"[/b] [center]Restu Goroshi - Dark Wraith[/center] Things escalated quickly. First, the players Arms Slave and Corpse Collector arrived. She knew Arms Slave as one of the higher level Sweepers, higher level being that Arms Slave player, Donny Lee Yang, was one of the Eraser's go to wetworker. If she remembered correctly, he just finished a job today. Than more players began to show up, including one who for some reason or another tried to kick Curved Solitaire. Free Runner, also known as Daniel Day Dalton. Armsman, arrogant, and is part of the Scarlet Harleys. Shooting Star, the Yellow King and Michelle Kine also than arrived. Bursting from the ceiling was the White Terror, king of the Ivory Mask as better known as Haruka Fujiyama. Of course, everyone knew that. The White Terror hardly kept her true identity a secret. Following her was the Gleeful Jackal, Blue King, and Sam Jensen. An Assassin type player, doesn't really make much of himself as far as Dark Wraith was concerned. Someone else to entered was Mukuro Matsumoto The Undertaker. A Sniper Assassin and actually has been classified as an Outlaw by the Sweepers. He hasn't really gone out of his way to be a nuisance, but the complaints about him has piled up high enough for Dark Wraith to know that someone would pay a nice price to erase him. She made a note of this and looked at another late arrival. Smitten Kitten, a level 3 Warlock, real name Hibiki Toho. The youngest daughter of Toho Systems. This actually surprised Dark Wraith; while everyone else had their notoriety in game, Toho Systems had very strong ties to Deep Ground. Dark Wraith made a note to keep track of Smitten Kitten in hopes to using her as an asset for later. Everyone's sudden appearance was cut short by the announcement that Deep Ground was forcing everyone to log out. Dark Wraith smirked at this. [b]"Oh please. Dissolutions are just the pawns. There's something much bigger than just a glitch going on."[/b] The game didn't log Dark Wraith out; Restu did that herself. She had some things she needed to prepare now. She was going to collect more information on this Corpse Collector, as well as investigate the true cause of this influx of Dissolutions. Once logged out Restu picked up her phone and made some calls. [b]"I have something I want you to do for me..."[/b]