Minutes of plotting had been foiled, unfortunately the Silent Marauders were more boring than Amnesty had anticipated, one seemed to almost come around but was eventually warded off by peer pressure. Such a shame, but dwelling on the past wasn't something she was keen on, so, after being denied some company upon her mecha-pony, the journey set forth. Which was quick, but nonetheless extremely fun. Ponies pooping rainbows. Going at warp speed. And having the figurehead of Ivory Masks' entering the Ebony Strykers' guild hall in the coolest way. "[i]+1 for White, -1 for everyone else.[/i]" Amnesty said quietly as she leaped from her own mount a few moments later. Landing briefly before the action started, she did happen to catch White Terror and Moon Rider's confrontation, it was such a fun and interesting thing to watch that if anyone were to peer at the girl in the dark corner she was sitting in, they'd likely be creeped out as she giggled and gripped her sides watching. Though things did take a very serious turn, as the Black King began to draw their weapon in the presence of her leader Amnesty quickly drew the knife sheathed at her back, and began to approach from the western wall. This endeavor however, was cut short. [b]Attention! Attention! All players will be forcefully logged out of Deep Ground Online due to internal errors and damages! Attention! Attention! All players will be forcefully logged out immediately![/b] "[i]Shit![/i]" She said to herself, returning the knife to her back and calming down as she watched the Black King do the same. Keeping a careful eye on the other kings, she watched, and waited. There was absolutely no way she was leaving with two friends here and so many threats around them. Crossing her legs, and hands buried in the two pockets in her skirt, Amnesty quietly watched with a much different aura than that she had before. Moon Rider whispered something, though she couldn't hear it, the girl's lips visibly moved near her leader's ear. It was a very weird situation, something that would usually excite her in more than one way, however this just left a bad taste in her mouth. Too many things to occur in one day, too strange to be a coincidence. But she couldn't betray that lovely image that she had of herself so Amnesty broke the uncomfortable feeling by speaking quickly before they were forcefully logged out. "[i]So if anyone's looking to have some fun! My room number is~[/i]" And before she could finish, the forced logout had been executed. Sitting in the lecture room where she had been before logging in- Sitting at a lone table Claire scratched her forehead in thought, reviewing the whole situation in her head. "[i]Dissolutions, Black King, and then this... Well, there's always a chance it 'could' be a coincidence. But who knows..[/i]"