A hand pressed up against the black glass as Jun strode up to it and looked out. Across from this building was the hall that currently housed several, four if his eyes didn’t fail him, Kings. Quite the gathering for what was supposed to be a recruiting event for the Ebony Strykers, but it was quite the event so it wasn’t strange. His eyes flew over the other Avatars that had come and recognized some from earlier, but not really caring all too much about them. Lips, on the Avatars that had such, were moving and although he obviously couldn’t hear from where he stood, his “eyes” focused in an attempt to glean what was being said. Nothing too important from what he could make out, it seemed that the Black King wasn’t exactly pleased with the White Terror’s entrance. It was hard enough to catch even that though thanks to the distance and the number of Avatars gathering. Reluctant to do so, but seeing it necessary if he wanted to know more, Jun prepared to Flash Frost out. Before he could do so though, the sound klaxon roared through what seemed like the entirety of Deep Grounds Online. Stumbling a bit at the sudden and unexpected event, Jun found himself at a loss for a moment before he recovered. “Huh…” was about all the reaction he had, expressing both acceptance and disappointment for such a thing to occur at such an inopportune time. He could feel the connection slowly slipping away as the virtual world collapsed around him and his Avatar began to fade away. Rather than let the connection break in such a manner though, he closed his eyes and let go. Opening them, he found himself staring at the white ceiling of his room. He had been busying himself with a new book he’d gotten a few days ago, but hadn’t gotten a chance to crack open just yet when an announcement rang out inside his head. Frowning at the initial message, Jun couldn’t help but click his tongue in annoyance and disappointment. What a waste. He could just imagine how much EXP he would have been able to farm with Dissolutions running rampant. The second tidbit revealed what the mysterious Black King’s immediate purpose was. He filed that under ‘interesting information to know’ before pushing DGO off to the side of his mind. It sucked that access would be down for the day, but without anything to do about it, he focused his attention elsewhere.