[quote=Sixsmith] You straight people and your love triangles. This is why Raleigh stays away from Ares and Aphro children; they cause too much drama. XD Kinda glad Raleigh isn't interested in the womens 'cause he'd have this to deal with. Lewl.But now he's stuck in a chasm with a bunch of them. ;_; [/quote] [quote=Marx] Well, bad news for Raleigh then. Auguste likes everyone. [/quote] Yeah Raleigh is going to have fun with that xD. Hey Ares kids and Aphrodite kids are the best, handsome, pretty, strong, alethic, smart...nvm on that, but everything else yeah there good at. I was going to finish post tonight, but can barely keep my eyes opn riht now, so goodnight tomrorw I'll put It up night.