Jarvan struggled through yet more underbrush and adjusted his glasses as came out again heading straight toward the town... again. Jarvan sighed, he had never been in the forest by himself before and realized he had no idea how to find his way through. Jarvan had figured he would just walk in a straight line towards the crashed ship but he hadn't counted on how difficult it was to navigate the forest. Well even if he could find the ship before the town's annexation was complete the logical part of his brain had already decided that nothing there would be helpful and he was just grasping at straws, straws that were very hard to get to. Jarvan decided he would have to fight the Cruciable no matter if he failed he would be ashamed to say he hadn't even tried to fight them off. He wasn't even sure how well he could fight them, since he had never fought any people before, only rift monsters. Jarvan ran back into the outskirts of town and climbed up to one of the nearby rooftops to get a better view of what was going on. It appeared as though something was still going on in the town center but he wasn't close enough to make anything out and it looked as though the Cruciable troops had spread out and and were trying to take care of anyone running away. Jarvan climbed down from the roof and raced towards the town center, which was where most of the commotion seemed to be, as he came around the corner he ran straight into two more Cruciable soldiers. Jarvan quickly stabbed into the nearest one's stomach and ripped his spear back out spinning it around to strike the other soilder, the second soldier managed to fire his gun breifly and one of the bullets pounded into his armour, somehow his armour held up, and another bullet was swatted aside by Jarvan's spear and the soldiers body followed suit. Jarvan stood there for a second unable to feel anything except the pounding of his heart. Jarvan looked around and saw some poeple he recognized from school, Issac, Emery, and Aubrey, being lead by a dangerous looking man, he followed them briefly and watched with a bit of envy as the unknown man dispatched three soldiers with ease while Jarvan had barely been able to take out two, it was obvious that Jarvan was severely lacking in combat experience when fighting humans especially comprared to the stranger leading the group. The group appeared to be heading into the forest towards the downed ship; Jarvan ran after them excitedly, the guy leading seemed to have a lot of experience fighting maybe he there were more people like him on the ship and he could get them to help! Jarvan got close enough to make contact without yelling at them which probally would have attracted unwanted attention, and he slowed down as he came closer, "Hey Issac, i see you're well on your way out of here with your new friend here" Then turning to face the man whose name he didn't know, "My name is Jarvan thanks for helping my friend, mind if i tag along with you?"