At a junkyard in nortj Hollywood, Elijah was busy destroying the stolen car. A junkyard was an ideal place for a safe house, mostly because of all the metal around him. If there worst were to happen it wouldn't be all that hard to get away. It also being in North Hollywood meant if he needed to he could skip out of the city quickly. All of which were important in his line of work. In his mind driving north to an airport in Oregon was just as quick as going through LAX. Pulling into the junkyard Elijah found a place to park the stolen car in the back of lot. The building that wasn't too different from any other eight bay mechanic shop. He owned the last two for all intents and purposes. The very last one was where he kept all his gear. Anything and everything he could need for working in Los Angeles, clothing, weapons, ammo and his motorcycle. The second to last where he parked the stolen car was little more than a chop shop. It was easier and more profitable to steal a car valued at over a 100k and bring it here to scrapped for parts than it was paying out of pocket for the space and access at any time. Leaving the keys in the car he grabbed his helmet and opened his personal bay. His person bay contained a motorcycle lift in the center, the bike that sat upon it was his Triumph 675R. Along the back was a work bench bookended by two rolling red tool boxes filled with every tool one would need to work on both his bikes. His work bench contain a vise grip, lamp and while not large it had plenty of room to work. Along the right wall was what he called his working clothes. It was little more than a than three racks, each for a different purposes. One rack was for clothing, both is casual everyday grab and his mercenary garb. Next was a boot rack, then one for his helmets. He held a deep pride in his helmets. Even though they all looked the same, each was very different from one another. One was built with Kevlar, another made for shock absorption still another made for communication . Ten helmets sat in two rows of five, one row on top of the other, each with a different purpose. The left wall was he called his "Assault Wall." It was mostly guns, ammo, explosives and yet again another work bench. This one was for cleaning and repairing his weapons as well bomb building. Elijah had very little need for bombs, as such his skills didn't extend much past pipe bombs and simple explosives. There wasn't many things that he couldn't destroy without any help. Still when needed the loud bangs worked wonderfully for distractions. Elijah walked to the bench on his Assault Wall and picked up his FNP .45 as well as a one of his pocket knives. Placing his weapons in their respective places on his body and turned his attention to his motorcycle. After getting it off the lift and putting on his helmet, he was off to a bar, that he was known at but didn't attend regularly. This was his meeting place for certain clients, one that he wasn't all that worried about repeat business. Upon walking in he was greeted by the bar keep. After a drink or two Elijah made a phone call to his latest client but before making use of the outside seating. Elijah gave him directions and waited for him to arrive outside of the bar. Once the client was in earshot of Elijah, he spoke calmly and never looked at the client. "Go inside and get two beets, come back out with two cigarettes and the drinks. Not a word until then."He did as he was told and took a seat next Elijah. "Thank you for helping my family get through. Justice will help the healing process." The client said in full sincerity. Elijah couldn't help but laugh. "All its going to do is help you lose a lot of sleep. Killing him wasn't justice, there is no justice in sending someone to do your dirty work... All you sought was a cowards way out. You've done nothing noble, you just hired someone to to burn some trash. I know you spent a lot of money to find me, every penny I can finds will be given back to you to help that little girl see a shrink. I don't care if you need the money or not, thats what is going to happen. The moment I find otherwise, I'll kill each member of your family right in front of you. Agreed?" His question answered itself by Elijah's tone and the client knew he wasn't lying. "You got the tab, pay it and leave. I'll be watching out for that little girl. I'll call the debt paid for one. I'll need a favor one day, its going to be in your best intrest not to say no." Eli waved him off. "Thank you sir, thank you so much." Those were the last words before the man scurried away. The moment he was gone, Elijah started [url=]singing[/url] to himself. [center]I've jeopardized my safety Everywhere I go 'Cause everybody knows me Down in the valleys of Mexico But Christ I must of lost my mind I never figured Jesus for the jealous guy A stronger man will never know 'Til you hear him singing from the church window She said, "Everyone wants to be alone, until they are alone. Everybody wants to be alone, until they are alone..." [/center] Elijah lit one of the cigarettes and started work on his third beer. At least it was a lovely day to commit a murder. He had a feeling that this day wasn't going to end anytime soon. He smiled as his phone rang and he saw the name.