Charlotte didn't think she was being formal. Still, that thought was put on hold as he would lay out the plan. It seemed well thought out, though she felt slightly useless as she had nothing to offer. When he asked if she could use Thunder from a distance, she nodded, though shook her head when he would ask if she had any opinions on it. It sounded solid enough, only thing left to do was execute it--and that was always the more difficult part, of course. Xerox's little pet had detected the enemy ahead. What was it again? A Moomba? A Moogle? She knew its name was Rue...or at least, she thought it was. Either way she eyed it warily, surprised he could understand it. Either way there would be six of them ahead. She was somewhat itching for a fight, so she saw it as an opportunity. "[b]A fight it is, then.[/b]" She commented lightly, her rapier at the ready.