[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/wwlov4.png[/img][/center] Audrey gave Lenore a worried glance before her eyes flitted to the red mark on the girl's forehead. She stopped walking and her eyebrows were drawn together in concern. She didn't exactly have any medical know-how, so the last thing she wanted was for Lenore to suddenly pass out. "Maybe we should find a place to rest," she suggested, though to be honest, Audrey didn't like the thought of stopping. The police officers were probably still looking for them, and when one of the houses blinked, a shiver ran up her spine. "Or maybe we should keep walking...just slower than usual. Do you need any help walking?" She offered Lenore a shoulder to lean on then frowned when she finally thought the girl's question over. "No...but we don't have much of a choice do we? Unless you have any ideas? I'm willing to try new things." The streetlight above them suddenly flickered before a pop and a sizzle were heard, the street went dark. --- [center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/ao59v8.png[/img][/center] He turned to look at the midget, Dominick was resting his head on his arms, eyes half-lidded and face flushed. The alcohol had kicked in now and he slurred more than he spoke. "Thanks, Dominick," Niko watched the midget raise a shaky thumbs up then turned to Carlos. "Maybe we can catch a bus?" As strange and unbelievable as this world was it seemed pretty similar to their own. Their was a coffee shop after all and while the costumers were strange they did normal things. They played billiards and talked and one carrot shaped individual was clacking away at his laptop's keys. If they had human bodies, he would have believed they were just like him and Carlos. "Maybe we can get one of the people...er, creatures outside to show us the way?" It still felt surreal, but by this point, Nikolai knew it wasn't a dream.