Without a moment of thought, Blaze unleashed a Phoenix screech at Kinzoku. If this was getting serious, she wanted him either unable or limited in his ability to fight back. His ears would burn and his vision would blur from the sound wave. But, veterans of magic battles should be able to nullify the effects, or at least remain focused. As the scream wave hit, Blaze would use the time she hopefully gained to focus into preparing an advanced spell. All she needed was time...! A bright red magic seal flared up from under the teenager's feet, the insignia of a bird with wide-spread wings was covered by the fire welling up around her. The flames seemed more concentrated around her legs, indicating that was where the base of the attack should come from. A flaming kick would be far too weak and unsatisfying for Kinzoku. He wanted to play - so he could play with phoenix talons! [I]"C'mon, focus... Just a few more seconds!"[/I] ---------- Reaver shrugged a shoulder rather boredly at Igneel Dragneel's speech. If anything had ever held less meaning, ...seriously, what the heck was this kid on about!? Magic was power - power should be used as such, not for mundane things like justice or protection... The nature of magic was darkness. Reaver knew this best, and he was more adept in this element than anyone else he knew of - he [I]loved[/I] being a symbol... "How disappointing. You're just a weak-minded child after all," Reaver spat, his scythe coating in a murky black energy before he swiped it at Iggy, the darkness magic launching toward the boy. Believing it not to be enough, the dark guild master began stepping eerily towards his opponent. There wouldn't be any gloating or boasting... He wanted Iggy dead.