So the kid's name was Benjamin, and he wanted to first go to safety before finding his parents. Well, that was both comforting and slightly worrying. She had no idea if they will be able to go look for his parents afterwards, but decided that if that was his choice, then she wasn't going to argue with it. The moment she noticed the small mechanical butterfly come to him and do as he was ordered, she took a glance at Toroto. At first, the chameleon appeared to think it was a proper bug, until it noticed the metal movements it had, even if it was flying like a proper bug. She sighed out of relief before feeling Benjamin's hand grab hers, and she looked at him as he said they were hiding buddies for now. [b]"Uhm... Right. I was heading towards the crashed down ship, because it..."[/b] She slightly hesitated now, because she didn't want to involve a young kid in such matters. Deciding to come up with a different reason, she let out a cough [b]"Because it fell in the direction away from the town square and they might need help."[/b] Nanako said. It was true the ship crashed in the direction opposite of the town square, but she wasn't heading there to give help, unless it meant hitting them with a frying pan on the head. Looking in the ship's direction, she ensured Benjamin's grip of her hand was tight [b]"Lets go. We shouldn't stay here any longer."[/b] She said and then begun running lightly, to ensure the young boy had no trouble keeping up with her.