Lol, you all certainly have me running! Hopping?? *shrugs* I'll have magic-y things written up for everyone I can do tonight, and I'll get my CS up. So hopefully we should be able to really get things moving this weekend! Yay! :D I've definitely bitten off a lot with the individual magic things, there is some overlap (ie consistency) with the way things are described, and I think I've been pretty fair and tried to make your individual blurbs match the character sheets as much as I can...I hope, lol. If anyone needs things clarified you can ask here or PM me, there will be some basic magic info added in the first post...sometime this weekend depending on how the rest of this goes, so you'll all have a baseline to work from. Anyways, off to do more blurbs and my CS! *added* Whew! So far the following people have their magic info: -Nem -Squee -Bunnita -ChaoticLaw -Logrin (I sent it to Nem to look over first, you should get it tonight :) )