Prepared for the fight, Xerox kept his eyes on Rue, fiddling a little with the scraps in his hand. Not long after, Rue started to fall back. Xerox started to dash forward, meeting on the squad head on. With the weight and momentum he brought with his giant spanner, he slammed the spanner. It had missed the soldiers, but the impact it made with the ground, left a decent hole. The soldiers were blown away from the impact, spreading them out. "I'll leave my back to you." he called out to Charlotte and Rue. Heading to the rightmost soldier, the soldier attempted to shoot, but it was in vain due to Xerox's spanner. His spanner was large, tough and heavy. It wasn't an easy thing to swing or run around with, however, Xerox knew how to use his whole body to utilize the spanner. Reaching the soldier, he dropped the head of the spanner, landing on the soldier's foot, holding him in place. Moving on, Xerox knocked him out with a heavy punch. He heard some shots being fired. Some were definitely directed at him, with Rue jumping behind him activating the [b]DS[/b]. "Thanks." he called out. The scraps he was holding were put away into the toolbox which he strapped to his back during battle. Using the screwdriver he had, he seemed to be fiddling with his spanner. Afterwards, he put the screwdriver away and continued on. It was only for a quick second that he fiddled with it. Jumping aside, Xerox started heading towards two soldiers who were together. They were coordinated, letting one reload as the other fired. Putting his hand into the body of the spanner, he pulled out what seemed like a sheet. A bullet proof sheet was pulled out. He had compartmentalized his spanner, with various things. From there, he bashed into the two soldiers. Turning around, he wondered if Charlotte had finished. If not, he would assist, if so, and he kept her waiting, he would apologize for the wait. His style of fighting was definitely a slower kind, but that did not mean he was at any disadvantage in a fight with other SeeD. However, if he did not keep her waiting, he would start to continue on. ---- (After the fight) Rue went around the soldiers, taking bits from their guns, or tying up those who were knocked out. Still on focus, there seemed to be no-one else in the near vicinity. At least none coming for them. Rue's senses were keen, and knew that some soldiers were heading to the other substation, but he did not mention it. He believed there would be nothing to worry about. Xerox uses a specially made magnet to hold in place things he straps on his back with ease and can remove them. Taking hold of his toolbox and putting his giant spanner on his back, he started to begin making something. "Alright, let's go." he started to lead the way. The area they had dropped wasn't that far, however, with the rocky terrain, it was a bit harder to navigate. Taking a step, he retracted and started to redirect. "The footing is loose over there, so be careful." he called out. It had been a few minutes of walking that they had gone through. Xerox was almost finished with the small robot he was making.