Ah, that's a gret idea, Kathryn. I think that would make sense that the Chapples would want to offer the drug, coupled with wolfsbane, to the prisoners in order to allow them to keep their minds intact. Here is a snippet from Velganos's character description that talks about this drug: [quote=White Rabbit Reality]He has discovered one source of inner peace, however, in the form of powerful underground drugs, known as Dog Chow on the street, whose real brand name is Temppressant. The drugs, if taken regularly once a day, help his mind remain intact whenever he undergoes a transformation and also allows him to transform upon will. Additionally, the Dog Chow allows him to remain human, even when under stress or feeling particularly angered, when he normally otherwise would transform.[/quote] Considering most of the lycans in the compound are either Adolescents or Youths, they likely only change during the full moon anyway and therefore don't have to worry about changing at any other times during the month. Velganos is a bit unique, in that he would be an Adult lycan, if only he could control himself. He cannot transform upon will unless he takes Dog Chow/Temppressant. Also, he will transform against his will if his emotions get too out of control. Therefore, he needs to take this regularly once everyday. For all the others who only transform 3 days out of the month (I imagine lycans turn a day before the moon is 100% full, during the full moon, and one day after), they only need the drug for those 3 days. That sounds fair to me, Kathryn, in regards to weaning Velganos off the drug. I imagine Velganos has tried in the past just by himself, but before he found your pack, he likely didn't have the willpower to learn to control himself alone. At the start of the roleplay, Velganos could still be taking Dog Chow regularly (at least once every two/three days) and will still have trouble denying himself it for fear of turning into a mindless beast, but he'll be in the process of working on it.