It happened quite fast. Mela looked over to where the arrow had originated. She held her breath, unsure if the new addition to the fray would help her or consider her a threat as the three angry dwarfs had. She was in no condition to be fighting, not when she was outnumbered and without much magic flowing through her. Thoughts of her brother could only give her extra bits of courage. He wouldn't give up, so neither would she. Suddenly, another burst of wind flew by and she saw a second dwarf hit the ground. Could this be happening? Was she next? Though now she was no longer outnumbered, Mela didn't feel her body release any of its harbored stress. She held her breath and tried to summon any last bits of magic. If she couldn't fight, she could at least try to conjure up a sturdy defense of sorts. The third and final foe backed away and seemed to be surrendering to the lost cause. Mela was fine with letting him go but before she could switch her attention and voice elsewhere, another arrow was shot. She slowly made her way toward the fallen third dwarf, crouching beside him. Her anger towards him had evaporated into the stars above. She didn't know what their true intentions with her. Rape? Cannibalism? Murder? Blackmail? She had heard of horrible stories but she couldn't help but pity someone who died not on the battlefield, but with sorrow in his heart. He had been willing to leave, in her mind. And whoever was carrying out these executions, surely had a cold heart. She was safe at the moment, but she wasn't sure how long that moment would really last. The figure on the horse wasn't very far away anymore. Even in the darkness, Mela could see he was armed and pointing his weapon at her. She surveyed what the dwarfs had on them, some tools, no food. Her heart sank even further as she slowly got to her feet, looking back toward the new found enemy. His words flew from his mouth like poison. She saw no reason why he had to be rude to her, they didn't know one another but she didn't see why pleasantries needed to be obscured entirely. "Why should I tell you my name?" She called back to him. "Why would suddenly knowing my name satiate your thirst for releasing a fourth and final arrow?" She asked him, not one to take orders from someone who didn't know mercy. "He was going to run away and you shot him." She glared slightly, arm gesturing to the dwarf by her feet. While most women might be thankful to a mysterious savior, Mela was not. He was armed and looking at her. There was no way the princess would find time to swoon and be charming. That would be foolish. She glanced around the grassy area and then back to the one on horseback. "Disarm yourself, there is only me now and if you had been watching like I assume you were, you would know I have no more magic at my disposal, it's been tirelessly spent. And considering you've got a horse and I do not, you're still at an advantage even without drawing your weapon. Someone who poses a threat for the sake of intimidation is more coward than man." Mela told him. So far, she wasn't impressed with what the rest of the world had to offer but it didn't stop her from wanting to see more. In the back of her mind, she did consider how to get the horse. Having one would make her life a lot easier. Of course the archer was rude and restless and getting the upper hand, given her state, wouldn't be easy. Weighing her options, she considered what would be plausible. She could act coy and use her gender's strengths. In doing so she may get something to eat or better, be able to knock the guy out and take his horse. Money was of very little value lately but she would pay him for the horse when she took it. It seemed logical to her. Mela also considered continuing to stand her ground but figured some kindness might do a bit better. "My name is Mela Caerleon." It was risk, either he knew of her family, or didn't. She wasn't sure he would be very helpful but she figured at least giving him something might in turn work out for her as well. "And who are you? Are you friend or foe?" She asked him. "If you're going to kill me, do it now, if not, do not ever threaten me again." He should be lucky not to have crossed her path with her powers fully available.