Pixie laughed hysterically, once she calmed down she spoke "You. You're funny. Gave me a good laugh. One I haven't had for about 2 years now." She placed a hand on the barrel of Jason's gun. "But I hope you aren't seriously trying to threaten me." she said as a buzz came from the hall and a mechanical insect, about the size of a basket ball, flew in. It hovered over Pixie "Cthulhu eh? I have to guess he's not shared information regarding me, or did he? Hard to tell as all you've done is point a gun at me, and given me death threats." Shroedinger entered the room, the door closing behind her. Her sword was drawn and in a readied position. "She's a high threat Saber 1, heavily augmented by the GrĂ¼t. Chances are, we aren't going to come out of a fight with her without some damage" Pixie looked at Shroedinger, keeping Jason in her peripherals. "A female, an android female at that. I can tell because for how pale you are, I see no veins. As well as how rigid a pose you can hold, and the unnatural the color of your eyes. Built to look like one of the ideal female bodies that some men look for. I'd almost say you were made to be some mans trophy and not a soldier."