[center] [img=http://i.imgur.com/G4UH81d.jpg] Mikami stands at approximately 5'11, made of mostly lean muscle. His black hair is long enough that it covers most of his forehead but he never lets it get so long that it covers his eyes. Speaking of his eyes, they're a very vibrant, very distinctive blue color. His skin is pale and nearly flawless. On some days, if one looks close enough they can see the dark bags under his eyes. He can almost always be seen in the standard Sceptor 4 uniform. When he isn't though, he likes sweaters and jeans.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Mikami Kumini [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Role:[/b] Blue King [b]Occupation:[/b] Full Time leader of Sceptor 4 [b]Skills:[/b] Mikami is decently good at cooking, although don't let him touch anything that involves baking because he will screw it up. It almost goes without saying that he is excellent at fighting with a sword and can more than hold his own in hand to hand combat. Apart from that, his parents forced piano lessons on him when he was younger so he's skilled at that as well. He's also a fantastic actor. And poker. He's really good at poker. [b]Powers:[/b] As a controller of Blue Aura, Mikami is able to attack opponents in quick succession and target multiple areas at once. He can also cover the trade mark Sceptor 4 swords in Blue Aura. Despite this, the aura is primarily used for defensive purposes. As King, he can also "repair physical objects" with his Aura. [b]Personality:[/b] Mikami is, above all else, very serious. He may not act like it sometimes (new recruits frequently question his methods) but at his core Mikami is a very logical and analytic man. He's also slightly manipulative, using his analytical side to figure out what people want to hear and telling them just that. He's the type of guy to keep his cool at all times, rarely ever letting his emotions get the best of him. He's also the type to internalize, usually thinking along the lines of "there are bigger problems to worry about then my own". Mikami is excellent at keeping up public appearances and has a great poker face, for those rare times things do get to him. Beyond that, he's got a protective streak somewhere deep inside him, but he cares about very few people enough to let that effect his actions. He's also just vain enough to cover up imperfections in his skin with makeup every morning, but that's a secret. [b]History:[/b] Mikami lived a pretty cushy childhood. His parents were very well off with his father being a high ranking official of the police department and his mother a successful politician. They were somewhat forceful with his academics and other hobbies but apart from that he lived a very nice childhood. During his time in primary school, Mikami was the child that everyone respected but no one ever wanted to actually hang out with. No one wanted to hang out with the weird kid who never complained about his homework, but they almost always wanted him on their team for hide and seek. Although he later learned that it was because he was intelligent enough to recognize patterns in where kids would hide. Highschool came and went rather quickly. He graduated two years early. After that came law school at one of the most esteemed universities in the country, which was slightly more challenging that the rest of his educational career had been but not so much that it was actually stressful. The real stress came right around the time of his 22nd birthday, when a girl he totally forgot he had a very entertaining hook up with earlier in the year showed up on his doorstep and left him with what was apparently his child. She ran away and never came back, leaving the new Blue King with the stress of a job neither high school nor college had prepared him for and a kid. Eventually, he got into a rhythm. Luckily enough, the older lady in the apartment across from his (just where this apartment is located is a complete unknown to his coworkers) absolutely adores his child and watches him most days. Dealing with work was still a challenge, especially when it comes to dealing with the Reds. But hey, at least life is interesting. [b]Other:[/b] His kid's name is Kouki. (I might throw up an image if he actually comes into play in the rp)