This was really not good. Nope; this was very definitely the worst situation she could have hoped for. It was stupid of her - she should have hid those security guards and then, at least, she would have had a little time to escape. Ruby, however, couldn't spend her time going over different alternatives to her situation. Letting out a deep sigh, she collected up her gear. Unfortunately, she could only keep the hard drive in her jacket and everything else had to go. Unfortunately, her drones had to go too but they could actually have a use. Lifting them from her pocket, she lifted out the command remote and put them on patrol mode. "Just buy me some time." She whispered before letting them fly free. Almost immediately, the small little robots took flight and guided themselves up into an air vent with enough precision to make her proud. Smiling brightly at them, she shook off her silly pride and set about preparing a way to allow herself to escape. More than likely, this place was surrounded with enough cops and probably one or two metas. Aperture was a big company and had the money to hire these Metas but Ruby was almost sure that they were part of some group that provided a blanket protection to their companies. The first part of her plan wasn't the easiest - she had to purposely make a few cuts and bruises along her body so that it appeared that she had been a little roughed up. Sighing, she stripped to her underwear in a secluded area of the server room and proceeded to lift a small, cracked piece of glass. Biting her lip, she gently ran it along the soft skin of her upper arm before putting more pressure on it and forcing the edge to cut down into her skin. Crying out, she bit her lip in pain and stuck through it. After a long few minutes of cutting and punching various injuries onto her body, she seemed satisfied with the result and quickly moved onto her clothing. It had to look like she had been attacked so she made sure to slash at the clothing a lot more but keep it in-line with her current injuries. Finally, she lifted her battered body and climbed into her clothes once more. Unfortunately, this was the only plan she could think of and she had serious doubts if it would even work. For all she knew, they could have caught images of her on CCTV and knew exactly what she looked like. It was the only choice she had, however, and she was left with no option but to try and attempt to leave the building. After pressing through various security doors, she finally arrived in the main hall that had been practically abandoned. Noticing a new blockade of officers and a mean-looking blonde, she cried out in false pain; making it loud enough to be audible by them. "Help..." She croaked, toppling to her hands and knees as she put on the best injured face she could muster. In the end, it looked like she was a little out of it but she made sure to cringe and whimper in pain. "Help..." She cried out again, falling down onto her stomach with enough stunning acting to warrant a reward of some sort. "He's way back there."