[i]"I think maybe you've had enough, princess," he (Cooper) said mechanically, even as his brow creased looking at her.[/i] "Nope! There's not enough for me to have enough!" her delayed response was pointless as Cooper, Lilith, and Reed had already disappeared to the higher floor. Lisa did a quick 360, but only succeeded in confusing herself even more. "Reed? ♫ Where are you? ♫" Stumbling around like a blind woman with two left feet, Lisa tripped not-so-gracefully and was caught by a scantily clad tall blonde woman. Well, her height was average, but at that moment she looked like a giant to short little Lisa. In fact, Lisa wasn't very intimidating no matter how you look at it. The only reason she managed to scare that one guy was because he was drugged out of his mind. "Hey, have you seen Reed. He's this guy you see, this real nerdy guy. Well, he's not so nerdy today. Hey I know this song. What's it called-- oh wow you're pretty" Lisa rambled, getting easily distracted by anything and everything. The blonde leaned in, and slightly down to accommodate for Lisa's height, then gave her a big smooch on the kisser, leaving bright red lipstick marks on Lisa's mouth. It took her a couple seconds to process what just happened. "...did you just-- aren't you a girl?" "Hehe, you're cute" the blonde said seductively, with a predatory gaze. "Come with me let's have some fun." Taking Lisa by the hand, the woman led Lisa to another room that was slightly calmer than the previous. She took them to a couch with two other women on it, a brunette and a red head. "Meet my new friend." They moved aside to make room for them. The blonde put an arm around Lisa and leaned in for another kiss, this time leaving the red memory of her lips on Lisa's cheek. "Huh? Hey! Whaa? This couch is soft. Wait... Do you know my [i]secret[/i]?" Lisa rambled incoherently. "No, tell me more" the blonde said, moving down to Lisa's neck. "You know... You know Mari knew my secret. I knew Mari knew, and Mari knew I knew she knew my secret. I didn't tell her. Nope. I should've told her. I wish I told her. But she knew anyways. My secret... my secret is--" soft pillowy lips interrupted her for a moment. "Go on..." "That's how it all started you see. Mari, she didn't like my secret. Not at all. I told her I didn't have a choice, but she didn't listen. I tried to play along and do what she told me. But I couldn't. I just couldn't. Now I have to find Lilith. ♫Liiiiiliiiith♫ She knows something. I know she knows. She doesn't know I know. But I know. When I find her, she'll tell me. I hope she tells me. The truth that is. Yup." By now Lisa was feeling sleepiness weighing down her eyelids. She leaned against the blonde girl who didn't seem to mind one bit. "I think its time for some body shots!" some one said, Lisa eyes were too shut to tell who.