Mikey sat in his cage lying on his back. He had one arm raised in the air and his eyes carefully scanned the surface. Guards often wondered what was going through his head as he did this like he often does. They probably knew the Surgesh as a blood thirsty and brutal race that installed fear in the heart of millions. They thought that Mikey might have some sinister thoughts.. some devilish notions passing through his mind like those of his kind were known to have. ...Nah. He was just counting his spots. He was trying his hardest to count more then 20, but he'd loose count all of the time. It didn't help that he wasn't really taught his numbers very well. He browsed up on the surface of his arm and counted. It was all he could do to ignore the sounds of torture coming from down the hall. He didn't know who was locked up down there, but whoever it was Mikey felt bad for whatever was being done to them. "17 spots.... 18...? No wait, I counted that one." Mikey thought as his eyes strained. "BLARG!!" He shouted in exasperation as he bright a mighty arm down. The impact shook the ground a little bit and sent echoes through the room. He hated it when he lost count like this. A guard suddenly approached the front of his cell and banged the bars with his baton. "You in there! Quiet!!" The human barked with a stern look. Mikey simply turned his head and gave the man the blankest look he could muster. They locked eyes for a moment, Mikey not blinking at all. It helped that he didn't have eyelids. The guard was predictably the first one to blink and Mikey celebrated yet another uncontested victory in the league of blinking contests by croaking. "Err.. Right then. Carry on." The guard said as he backed away from the cage. Mikey often had this effect on the mean lab people, but he didn't understand exactly why. everyone seemed to be afraid of him all of the time. He spooked guards, scientists, and follow inmates alike. While it helped him avoid abuse... it did make him a bit sad. Mikey lifted his arm into the once again to continue counting his spots. He was determined to figure out how many he had. It wasn't like he didn't have the time for it, anyway.