The man takes off the face mask, to reveal short brown hair, blue eyes, a young sweaty face, with a short stubble for facial hair. He smirks at the question he got asked, as he squats down near the fire pit with the animals, that are prepped for cooking, pulls a few wooden pikes, and pierces the squirrels, rabbits, and what seems to be a wild pig. The gifts and curse of the apocalypse, new wildlife, but reflects on the outcome of their current life. "I'm going to say yes they can, but I'm not a doctor or scientist. If you don't want to eat because of that however, that's more food for the rest of us." Lance says jokingly as he finishes with the prep work and tries to get the fire going. There is a small glow from earlier, and he begins to blow on it, trying to get a better light. After a few minutes have gone by, the glow transforms into dancing flames, he smiles as he adds more wood into the pit before placing the meat on top. The heat is welcoming as he sheds off more of his armor, revealing scratches and scars on his muscular arms and legs, a whole year of creating the fortress, hunting and traveling around the county has taken it's toll on this young man's body. Yet he's still cheery. "Come around guys don't be shy, sometimes you just have to relax."