[u]Atticus Fowler and Codi Bailey[/u] Codi nodded in understanding as she looked up at Dr. Olin, her face showing a mix of the general respect a student would have for her teacher, along with confusion at witnessing what appeared to be a woman clinging to his back. The woman was blushing brightly, and whispering in Dr. Olin’s ear, clearly infatuated, although Codi thought Dr. Olin looked uneasy about it, although why was uncertain. She didn’t exactly want to know, because any sort of decidedly ‘infatuated’ behavior in public made her highly uncomfortable. She had also never been in any romantic relationships, and therefore, did not understand anything about them. She also had the sense that she was seeing something that probably should have been kept private, although she had no idea what the woman was saying. Codi, unsure of how to properly interact in this situation, tried to remain calm, and not hurt Dr. Olin’s feelings by saying something about it. He seemed like a nice person, and he was a chemistry teacher, so no doubt, he might share her love of science. Instead of addressing the presence of the woman, she tried to smile, instead, attempting to respond to only the wisdom of the teacher, “Thank you, Dr. Olin. I think I’ll play Capture the Flag, though. It sounds like fun, and I don’t think I’ve ever played it before, although I know the rules.” She then turned to Atticus, “Let’s go talk to some more people,” She said, exactly following what was suggested. Atticus showed no visible reaction to the woman who had jumped onto Dr. Olin’s back, although inwardly, he felt that it was a bit crazy for a person to do such things in public. He didn’t let that show, however, and he wasn’t about to judge anyone based on one odd turn of events. He nodded at Dr. Olin, to show respect, and that he didn’t feel too confused by it, before looking at Codi, “Alright, then, I was actually already planning on joining Capture the Flag, but you’re right that we should probably talk to some more people.” He tilted his head to one side, “Just lead the way, you’re better at introductions than I am.” With this, Codi and Atticus walked away, looking around for more people who happened to be idling about that they could talk to, or hopefully, show that they were open to conversation, and wouldn’t mind being approached by someone else.