>>>www.herowatch.com/forum/ --- [hider=Forum News and Confirmations] Forum News >>>Where important news regarding the forum is posted, including upcoming features, events, and changelogs. Confirmations >>>Every week we post the newest confirmed metas and experts on our forums here.[/hider] [hider=General Discussion] Metahuman News >>>News regarding Metas is discussed here. Please include any relevant articles, and keep things CIVIL! Metahuman Discussion >>>Miscellanious discussion on Metas should be brought here. Anything that doesn't fit another topic belonds here. Fan Clubs >>>Fandoms of every cape under the sun. Even some of the less savorable ones. Oh my. Superpower Discussion >>> We all know why you're really here. Whether you're just a day dreamer, or a meta in need of assisance, nerd out over powers here![/hider] [hider=Off Topic] Other News >>> Articles not related directly related to Metas belong here. Remember to include relevant articles! Off Topic Discussion >>> Your #1 place to socialize! Spam/Test Sub >>> I'll still ban you, idiot.[/hider] --- >>>General Discussion>>>Metahuman News>>>Violence in Maywood[p37] [ESCapricorn][MWS]>I don't understand why there's so much controversy over Caro handing over the Mercenaries! I know some of you guys totally fanboy over them, but seriously, they're only hurting our community in the long run. I know most of this stuff is just rumors, but I heard from a good source that a major data leak over at Aperture Labs was carreid out by a Merc. APERTURE. You know, the billion-dollar futurist company, the one that has a history of WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT!? We defend these crooks, and then wonder why there's so much violence on the streets! To hell with them! [BlackMamba][MWS]> I know what you're saying, Capricorn, but I can't really agree with you. Yeah, these guys are doing bad things like everyone else, but they also do some good. A lot of them are crazy, but my own source said that his college buddy paid for one of the hired guns. He worked cheap, and got the job done fast. I won't say what he did, but let's just say that fire over on Keystone was no accident. The guy caught in it deserved what he got, fucking monster. [LAcopperman][LAPD INFORMANT]> say what you want, I'm just glad this shit storm is about to end. All of these bombings have made my job an absolute hell. I'll try and keep you all up to date. [Crimson][CHICAGO CAPE]> I feel sorry for everyone caught in this cross fire, and I send my sincerest apologies. Caro and his gang truly are monsters. I know I speak for all my compatriots when I say that I hope Valentin gets his just deserts. [CriMeARiver]> CRIMSON! <33333 I LUV U! I agree fuk Caro! [ESCapricorn][MWS]> BalckMamba, even if the man was a monster, that is WRONG. He should have been brought to court and tried fairly, like ANY OTHER PERSON. Did he deserve what he got? Maybe, but that doesn't change that he has basic human rights. Get over your blatant fanboy hard on for underworld Mercs and GROW UP! [Micah][MODERATOR]> Please keep this discussion civil. I understand being a Maywood survivor must put an incredible amount of stress on you both, but I will not hesitate to ban either of you. --- >>>General Discussion>>>Fan Clubs>>>The Heroes!![p1] [BorealisLights]> So, has anyone else thought about the new guys protecting LA? Maybe I'm just into bad boys, but Ray and Connor are soo cool looking! Adrian is also really cute, but really not my type. I don't know about the girls, they all seem really cool and strong too. I think they're gonna do a good job, maybe even better than the Magi! [KurtBCE][KNIGHTS FC PRES]> Are you kidding?! They may seem really cool, but there's no way they'll stand up to the memory of the Magi. I don't even understand why they pulled the Magi out of LA, it's ridiculous. Anyways, The Heroes look good, even if their name is cliched, but not Magi good. And of course, they're nowhere near The Knights(; [BadMCboi]> the girls of the heroes are all really hot. i mean come on, they're smoking!!! neo, roze, eve, i mean damn. maybe they're not the best looking team, but they're the best LOOKING team hahah! [Fazoodleshoot][MWS][GOLD CONTRIBUTOR]> The Heroes have only been around for a short while, a couple of months at most? Anyways, they're good. I've seen them in action a couple of times, I've heard friends and family talk about seeing them, and they're not bad at all. I think the biggest problem is that there's so few. I mean, a city as big as LA should have a dozen capes! Instead, they're all either in DC or overseas! I like the Heroes, but WHY AREN'T THERE MORE!? [BlackMamba][MWS]> I disagree Fazoodle, we give the Fed capes enough respect. They get paid more in a year than a Marine does in two, and they have great health benefits. Back on topic, the Heroes are doing ok. Maywood is still burning, my brother is in the hospital.. but I suppose they're doing their job. I have to admit, I'm kind of crushing on the girls.. [TrinityBlade]> I love the Heroes! They're doing a good job filling in the gap the Magi made when they left, and I'm definitely a fan! --- General Discussion>>>Metahuman Discussion>>>Why do we allow corporations to hire capes? [CCKing]>Vados, you just have to look at the Maywood incident to see why your theories are completely wrong. The Cabrillo Group has a number of capes under their hire, and so far they haven't made any moves to attack the NTE. Some corporations could conceivably raise a small army, but they would be NOTHING compared to the US Military Capes. They have nearly a thousand in their employ! Not to mention we have the Guardians! Who would DARE cross our nation's protectors? Yeah, maybe the military capes aren't great, but the Guardians are all S Rank! Nobody stands a chance! So yeah. You're wrong. [VadosG]> Umm, except that there's plenty of corporations out there? Are you forgetting that there are dozens of multi-billion dollar corporations out there? We can already see that most of them are clamoring to hire any cape out there! I will also use Cabrillo Group's capes as my example! Honestly, do you expect them to just stand by and do nothing? I guartuntee something is going to go down. Valentin's boys have just destroyed a Cabrillo warehouse full of electronics worth MILLIONS! They won't stand for it! And with four powerful capes under their lead, they're going to stomp on the NTE if they don't stop. [CCKing]> Your argument is based soley on hypotheticals, Vados. IF the NTE doesn't stop, IF Cabrillo is angry, IF the capes will even obey those orders, IF the fed capes don't solve everything first! You watch, Cabrillo will sit on its ass and let the feds take care of their problem for free. The most they'll have their team do is respond to attacks. Watch. [LAcopperman][LAPD INFORMANT]> I can say, for certain, that the LAPD has Valentin firmly under control and under protection by The Heroes. We will work on the plea bargain, and we hope the terrorist attacks by his organization will end. It is unfortunate that we do not keep him in custody, though. I don't know what's going through Chief's head. Any way, the Cabrillo capes will play very little into this process, or at least that's what my information states. [VadosG]> But they WILL play a part, you're saying? I knew it! [CCKing]> Shut up, Vados. Geeze. ---