Ronin stood outside the gate shifting from foot to foot. His armor feeling heavier than usual. Should he call out again? The wall was quite high, maybe he wasn't heard? Or maybe the door would open and bandits or monsters would come pouring out. Just then Ronin heard feet pounding on wooden steps just over the wall. When he looked up he saw a head peek over the wall. A boy, about the same age as him Ronin guessed. The sharper features and slightly pointed ears hinting at the boys elven heritage. "Hello." Said the boy. "Who are you? Why have you come to this village?" He asked. If there are people here still, maybe Sir Erikson made it. Ronin thought hopefully. "I'm looking for my master, Sir Erikson. He's an older man wearing armor and has a bastard sword across his back. He would have arrived last night." Ronin's hope seeping into his voice.