[b] Kit [/b] Kit got off the motorcycle and knelt beside to get a notebook from a back compartment. "That it?" "Yep, don't really need much else if I'm going to be staying at the dorm." Wolverine grunted at that from the bike "Make sure to call your mother when you get settled, I don't want to get an earful from her on your first day." "Sure thing, See you later." kit said as placed his hands in his pockets with his notebook tucked in the crook of his arm and turned towards the school. "Oh and Kit, don't go and get yourself killed. Don't want to get an earful for that either." wolverine grumbled as he started up his motorcycle and drove off. Yea, Kit thought with a smile listening to his fathers bike rumble away, we wouldn't want that. Kit watched the other arrivals some were normal looking some obviously weren't. then there were the ones who looked normal enough but decided not to act normal, such as the kid who flew overhead on some sort of light board or kids sticking to the walls of the school. With a sigh Kit began to walk towards the school staying in the group of students heading in the same direction trying his best to blend in .