Adrian was trying to hide his smile as the officers around him tried not to stare. They were obviously confused as to why a Hero was waiting for anything. A few young officers came close to asking and then turned away as if intimidated. Adrian waited a little longer, playing Snake on his phone, when he heard an Italian accent call his name. Turning and grinning Adrian responded to Miss Nightingale "Ciao bella! Io sono abbastanza bene... know now that I've exhausted all my knowledge of the Italian language, one month of classes can only teach you so much! How about yourself? How are you Miss Nightingale?" As he answered he heard his name again. "Hello Miss Neoteris, as I said to Miss Nightingale I'm alright." hearing Neoteris' urging to go further inside Adrian responded "You are right Miss Neoteris we should probably go in, but we've all been to these things or at least similar meetings, right? They probably will have us wait an hour before seeing us. Although that could just them not liking me all that much." Adrian always did try to be as polite as possible, no sense in offending anyone you want watching over you. Plus they're generally all nice people so it's no trouble at all. There was a small commotion outside and Adrian saw a young man come in. He soon heard that he was "Conner," but since he was obviously talking with Neoteris it seemed like it would be rude to simply intrude. Smiling to no one in particular Adrian figured that despite his protests it would be best for the Heroes to start making their way to the whatever Government office they were to briefed in and gestured to the group to indicate that.