[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/wwlov4.png[/img][/center] Gah! before Audrey knew it, she was on the sidewalk with a panicking Lenore. For a moment, the girl thought she was going to suffocate under the heavier girl's weight, but Lenore eventually calmed herself enough and Audrey took in a deep breath and found herself staring at the sky. Because the dark side was so dark, the stars here were brighter than any she had seen Kingswood or anywhere else back on earth. The retort she was about to give the other girl died on her lips, instead she remained quiet and looked up at the sky. It felt calming, but they couldn't waste any more time and after a few more moments the girl got to her feet and dusted herself off. "I'm alright, don't worry." her eyes went to Lenore's forehead, "try not to move around so much, alright? I don't know first aid and the last thing I want is you passing out here." She placed a reassuring hand on the girl's shoulder then noticed an empty bus stop on the corner of the street. "We can rest there for a bit, and you can catch your breath." Audrey was putting up a brave front for the both of them, but she needed to sit down and gather her thoughts as well. "We'll need to come up with a plan as well." She offered Lenore her hand and began leading them to the bus stop. --- [center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/ao59v8.png[/img][/center] A gorilla with a skateboard..well now he'd seen it all. Nikolai watched as Carlos and G talked, and when the DJ introduced him to the animal Niko nodded his head, introduced himself and thanked the gorilla for taking the time to help them. G said it wasn't a problem and before they could say more he was offering to have his crew help. A part of him felt a little wary. Why was G so eager to help them, but it wasn't like they had any other options. "Yeah, I'm game." He gave the excited looking DJ and the gorilla a small grin. "We're not just going to sit around and wait for some miracle," he chuckled and held out a fist for the gorilla to pound. "If you ever find yourself in the human realm, stop by the Kingswood street and I'll give you and your crew some coffee." [b]"Nah, man, we'll stick to our world! That's one vacation my homies and I ain't gonna take."[/b] Niko nodded his head and G whistled loudly. "Yo, G!" From down the street a smaller monkey in a skateboard began whizzing towards them. "Whassup my man, I heard you callin' so you see me skatin' what's the situation--oh, these some of your homeboys?" He nodded in Carlos' and Niko's direction. And G filled him in, when he learned they were humans he flipped out and hopped onto Carlos' shoulder. The monkey looked through his hair and stared at his face. "So you're really a human, huh?" He hopped onto the DJ's head and if it weren't for the weirdness of the situation, Nikolai would have laughed. "Ey, ey, so G, big-man, dawg, you want us to bring 'em to the darkside?" His tail twitched and he made a face. "That place gives me the heebie jeebies, man!" That made Nikolai feel concerned but he didn't ask why. Ignorance was bliss after all. The monkey continued looking through Carlos' hair for a tasty snack then turned back to face G. "Humans...dark side, dawg, this day got hella interesting...but no way am I going there alone. You coming with, right?"