[B][U]:: Daniel Filson ::[/U][/B] Before the girl could reach over and take the rose, a powerful gust of wind knocked it out of his hand. "I [i]regretfully[/i] have to inform you that this is no time for romantics, Filson." the instructor's stern voice said. If glares could kill, Danny would probably be lying dead and bleeding on the floor right now. [i]Gee, someone's got a stick up the arse...[/i] The girl he'd been giving the rose to gave him a falsely pouty look followed by a playful wink. He responded by flashing her with a wide, disarming grin, and elected not to press the matter with the teacher further. He [i]was[/i] here for learning, after all. Besides, he would have plenty of time to socialize with the other students later. The serious kid who'd followed them to the front also introduced himself. "Matthew Detmer or Evans, complete arsenal Omnikinetic, currently in possession of Biokinesis". Danny could tell just from looking at him that he was going to be a real barrel of laughs, just like the the teacher. From the little grocery list of power classifications he'd just recited, he was guessing that messing with him was [i]probably[/i] a bad idea, given his demeanor so far. It wouldn't surprise him in the slightest if he turned out to be the level ten in the class. They were also joined by another tough looking boy with attitude, Zackary King, a telekinetic, and a chick who looked about as close as you could possibly get to a real life vampire. Creepy. He didn't really concentrate on them too much, however, as he suddenly found himself entranced by the third new arrival, a stunningly beautiful young woman, whom he greeted with an uncharacteristically nervous smile. [I]Why the hell am I acting like this all the sudden?[/I] he asked himself, feeling slightly confused. He normally never lost his cool in situations like these. However, inexplicably, this girl just made him feel like a twelve year old with a first crush all over again, for some reason. Enraptured by her beauty as he was, he almost didn't catch her name when she introduced herself. Christine Shawly... Or something like that, anyway... It was really, [i]really[/i] hard to pay attention with her around for some reason... [I]Come on man, pull yourself together! This isn't pre-school. Stop making a fool of yourself![/I] He shook it off and managed to regain his composure. Powers... Training... Right! The instructor quickly checked their names on a list, then adressed them one after the other. "Yes, dimensional storage. You've demonstrated it well enough for me to get some information on it." he told him with a somewhat dismissive tone of voice. "What is the largest object you've stored? And by that extent, can you summon the largest object you have in your possession?" Letting go of his easy going pretty-boy persona for a moment, he answered seriously: "A small wooden cupboard. About forty centimeters wide, if I were to guess. I can't really pull it out at the moment, though, it's way too big to fit through my pockets. I can't really make holes that big yet anyway... It's a bit complicated." He moved out of the way as Adam activated targets for Matthew to demonstrate his aerokinetic abilities on. After about ten seconds of concentration, he was able to make them shift them over, although with nowhere near as much finesse as Mr. Blackmore had displayed. Still very good for what was presumably a first try. Grumpy seemed to think otherwise, however, and his face twisted with so much distaste and frustration that you'd think he just realized the steak he'd been eating was once his dog or something. Yeah, probably a good idea to steer clear of that one... As Adam turned his attention to Christine, the girl he'd given the rose to earlier introduced herself as Aislin Rose. [I]Funny...[/I] he grinned at the coincidence. Apparently she had a power that had something to do with, in her own words, "making environments come to life". That really piqued his interest, and really made him wonder what she meant by that. Did she have a plant based power or something? It would be quite amusing if she did, given her name...