"Yeah, see you 'round." Gaspard muttered a quiet farewell to Faris, shooting her a sideways glance as she left. He supposed she was pretty cool. It was more than refreshing to meet an Ares kid who [i]wasn't[/i] dumber than a sack of bricks. But then again, that was probably just a stereotype. Briefly glancing down at his drink, Gaspard noticed the swirling liquid in his cup was barely even cold now, and he made a vague expression of disgust. No one liked a lukewarm drink, and he'd probably had enough for the night, anyway. The last thing he wanted to do was to throw up his lunch. Wait, did he even have lunch? He couldn't recall, but he didn't really want to find out. Disposing of his drink in a nearby trash bag, Gaspard began to make his way back to the Hecate cabin, after he grabbed a bite, of course. His stomach had been complaining the entire night, and the only thing that could satisfy it was the sweet, sweet embrace of BBQ. The night air was still, as most of the campers had already returned to their cabins - even the party-goers to nurse their already-burgeoning hangovers. The only noise Gaspard could hear other than the crunch of grass under his feet was a muffled conversation amongst a couple stragglers. The son of Hecate was just a few paces away from the familiar, stone cabin when he suddenly felt a faint skittering under his skin. It took him a second, but he quickly recognised it as some sort of summoning spell. But, before he had time to do anything about it, or even make sense of the situation, a dark cloud descended upon him, coiling itself around his entire being like a snake. The grassy ground seemed to fall away under his feet, and the cabin before him was quickly swallowed up by darkness. Gaspard was just about to write this off as the work of some drunk Hades kid, but when the smoke finally cleared up, his suspicions were quickly put to rest. Gaspard wasn't alone in the chasm, not by a long shot. In fact, he estimated that there were at least five other people down here with him. Who or what brought them all here, he couldn't say, but it was clearly the work of a powerful entity. Not even the children of the Big Three would be able to accomplish a feat of this magnitude. He vaguely wondered if one of the gods were behind this - if they were, they sure had a fucked up sense of humour. Of all the days they could've picked to mess with him... Right now, all he wanted to do was collapse into bed and conk out for twelve hours, but clearly, that wasn't going to happen. "Anyone know what the hell's goin' on here?" Gaspard questioned no one in particular, sauntering up towards where most of the other demigods were gathered. All he wanted now were answers, and then preferably a way out of this mess. He wasn't in nearly the right mood for this.