[quote=Marcus]"Uh, 4362..."[/quote] "..." Time stopped for Carlota as if she had been paralyzed, if what that guy said was true she had, perhaps, overdone her nap maybe a bit too much "Ahaha..." She laughed, albeit weakly, as an attempt to recover the spirit, it wasn't because she was going to have a hard time getting up to this new future, because she had lost people and that sentimentalist stuff. Her sadness came from the fact that her master had forgotten about her. Nevertheless, these guys looked tough, and she would, soon or later, need their help if she wanted to escape from that prison. She was absorbed in her thoughs, not being completely aware of her surroundings when the call for help of the armored magician (or whatever that guy was) woke her up from the trance and Carlota saw that he was being attacked [quote=Marcus] "A little help?"[/quote] Without much delay, Carlota retrieved a [url=http://cdn2.armslist.com/sites/armslist/uploads/posts/2013/08/01/1949158_01_1953_model_36_chiefs_special_s_640.jpg]S&W Model 12[/url] from a sahdow on the ground and emptied the six bullets into the assailtant and finished by throwing the gun itself at him. She then walked to his dead body and from the shadows she retrieved a [url=http://gunsgunsguns.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Chiappa-Rhino-snub.jpg]Chiappa Rhino[/url] and started to shoot the already dead assailant even more. She did this up to eight times, making the body a bloody mess and leaving the floor full of emptied revolvers and cases. "AAAAAAAH I FEEL MUCH BETTER NOW." She then turned to the armored guy and said "Well, thank you so much for being so informative, I think that from here on I can consider you my ally. However, no ally of mine can be considered useful unarmed." She walked towards the man and tossed him a [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/Ruger_GP100_.357_Stainless.jpg]Ruger GP100[/url] "Consider it a token of peace, mister Juggernaut. It sure is outdated, but who knows? It might come handy."