[hider=art/anime image][img=http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/16/77/80/76/kvothe13.jpg][/hider] [hider=real life image][img=http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/16/77/80/76/real_d10.jpg][/hider] [hider=basic information] Full Name Delilah of Kv'Othe [Kiev-Oath] Age 19 Gender Female Race Human - Kv'Othe Appearance The girl has white hair. Her most noticeable feature would be her eyes; one eye is a piercing, analytical, orb whereas the other is dull and lifeless, and their peculiar violet colour is a dead giveaway of her Kv'Otheian nationality. Her body is thin and nondescript, sub-par in comparison to other females, but does have muscle tone associated with consistent firearm use and disciplined footwork. She has an aura of confidence, which often-times seems to portray an underlying self-loathing which would appear to be the girl's primary drive in life. Clothing Her usual attire consists of light clothing that is focused on mobility and comfort, but hides her body entirely. Her attire bears the peculiar black star of the Kv'othe imperial military, and upon closer inspection reveals Delilah to be a 'Mali', an extension upon the military focused on recon and special tasks Armour Her armor is simply a very thick cloak over some basic leather armor created in the style of Kv'Othe military forces. Other -Ammunitions pouches - pouches that store ammunition! [/hider] [hider=background] Volunteer - Issued by the Divine Queen [i]"Captain, your ship boasts more people than my home town does."[/i] -These were words the first words uttered by the stoic girl from the land Kv'othe to the captain of the Cutlass Delilah of Kv'Othe is a particularly stoic individual who has, for the most part, shunned attention during her six months aboard the Cutlass. That's not to say she didn't chat when spoken to, but she didn't seek out any conversation herself unless approached directly. This tendency of hers to remain secluded and silent has lead the crew of the Cutlass to stereotype her in with the rest of her people as spies. She released very few details about herself on this journey, answering most questions tersely and abruptly. However, six months is more than enough time for people to learn about even the most stoic and withdrawn of individuals and a few key points of Delilah's personality have undoubtedly been learned. First off, anyone who spends a lengthy period of time- such as six months- with the gal will eventually take note of the peculiar rituals she performs every so often. She would occasionally smear her face with paints and dyes, walk the length of the Cutlass once before donning her thick cloak and hiding herself away again. This was the most obvious of the rituals she performed, but a few others would stand out as well. She would go weeks without eating, or spend several days meditating without rest-- all of which is a part of her religion, which most consider strange. On the personal front, Delilah was very reserved. She spoke little of herself, and often kept her body hidden by the thick robes and cloaks she wore-- only removing them for the peculiar ritual where she walked the ship's length, and even then her clothing was conservative yet mobile. She has shown a fondness for the dark, though, and often-times stays above-decks during the night, whilst staying below-decks during the day. Unless the captain had need of her, of course. Other than these minor points, she revealed very little besides her name and nation. The more observant of individuals would certainly have noticed how she favors her left eye, constantly keeping people addressing her to the right of her body. [/hider] [hider=morality] Moral Alignment Lawful Evil Selflessness 3 Snobbery 4 Racist Tendencies Elves and their pointy eared arrogance! Damn them! Piety 8 - Kv'Othe Worship Justice 2 Sexist Tendencies 7 - We all bleed the same [/hider] [hider=combative skills] [i]Mali[/i] - Her training as a Mali of the Kv'Otheian military, which is essentially a 'Special Tasks Group', emphasized the use of firearms as a primary means of engagement. A secondary priority within this training was the down-and-dirty art of 'brawling', I.E using the body as a weapon, as well as the use of Eiderhalter in melee combat. Blade work was the least trained aspect of the Mali training, and each Mali bears a blade of their own handiwork. Primary Weapon Flintlock rifle Secondary Weapon(s) 2x Eiderhalter Hidden/Stored Weapons Emergency knife - essentially a weaponized kitchen knife that Delilah crafted herself - within a boot [/hider] [hider=passive] Main Skills Meditation - assists against fatigue and other such trivialties Recon skills - She's a scout, duh Endurance - the girl is surprisingly durable for her size, and can appear quite tireless at times Torture - everyone has a 'scream' button Secondary Skills -Smithing/Metalwork -Lock picking/breaking -Ventriloquism -Basic First aid -Basic survival skills Items of Note A basic kit of first aid materials; bandages, splints, etc. [/hider] [hider=Anti-Godmod 3000] Achilles’ Heel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Blind-zone - Her left eye is blinded, leaving her with a rather exploitable blind-side.[/hider]