[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/wwlov4.png[/img][/center] "That's our goal, but the question is..." she closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, all this craziness was starting to make her head pound. "The question is, how are we going to get home? I'm not sure we can trust everything we see and I doubt we can take a cab back to Kingswood University." Feh, the University probably didn't exist here, wherever here was. Audrey's eyes landed on a dilapidated looking cafe at the end of the street. Rom's Coffee and Dessert parlor it had read in fading neon lights. The cogs and gears in Audrey's head began to spin and she nearly fell out of her seat. "Hey Lenore...is it just me, or did you notice the little similarities here and there. If we were back in the city, this would be Seventh street." She wasn't exactly sure, but in more ways than one, places in this realm seemed to have a counterpart in the human world. "That street with the police officers, it looked a bit like Kingswood, didn't it?" The sound of static filled their ears, and two creatures that vaguely resembled humans sat beside them on the bench. They had human bodies though they had television screens for heads. They stared ahead blankly, their faces giving the place a cool blue-ish glow. [hider=TV Head Guys][IMG]http://bradykennedy.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/tvselection2.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Audrey moved towards Lenore before giving the girl a questioning look. Should they stay or leave? The taller of the two TV heads had the body of a young man, he turned to face them and waved slowly. He pushed a button on his face and the screen lit up, revealing a yellow smiley-face that was just a tad more eerie than cheerful looking. He continued waving then pointed to his happy face with a gloved hand. "I am Fl1CK3R...good evening." And with that the screen returned to one of static. --- [center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/ao59v8.png[/img][/center] G and Digger had led them to an old shack. It seemed as if most of the crew were gone, but they had bikes and other means of transport. "No worries, homies. Our homeboys be hella cool, they won't mind if we borrow these." He looked to G with a wide grin. "Ain't that right, my man?" He twisted his cap back then did a little flip on his skateboard. "So dawgs, are you the only fellas here?" Nikolai was putting on a bike helmet. "I'm not sure, Digger, but we didn't see anyone. Thanks for helping us out." He hopped onto one of the bikes and grinned. Nikolai liked biking, he was by no means a dare devil, but he liked the feeling of wind on his face. "Like me and my man said, dawgs, it's no problemo! Now let's get you homeboys back to your ladies!" Digger did a little backflip before he got onto his feet and began to push his board forward. "Just follow our leads, kay, bros?" And he was off, a speedy blur of pink. Niko watched as he did a couple of tricks expertly before cutting a corner, whooping and cheering as he leaped over a fire hydrant and landed on his board. "Slowww pokes!" He had yelled before disappearing. "He sure is full of energy," Nikolai laughed then turned to look at G. "So...what exactly are the shady folks?" He was hoping they weren't giant man-eating shadows or anything like that, but in a world like this, he didn't know what to expect. He waited for G to reply then grinned at Carlos. "Last one there's a rotten egg?" And with that he began pedaling, the bike zipping down the street. He wobbled for a few moments, but after that Niko was off, yelling and laughing as he asked Digger to slow down.