[b]Basics[/b] Full Name: Argus Ithinial Flinte Age: 34 Gender: Male Race: Cindarien [hider=Cindarien] Cindariens are near-humans from a far off land by the name of Cindare. They are most notable for their pure white hair and their eyes; their eyes are always either a very bright color or a dark color, usually an unnatural color. They are exceedingly pale compared to normal humans and have pronounced canine teeth. Cindariens are known for their firearms; they are one of the top manufacturers in firearms. A Cindarien firearm is a prize to have, as they are difficult to get ahold of. The reason they are so coveted is because the Cindariens make their firearms able to fire twice before needing to be reloaded, which is helpful when lugging around multiple firearms. Their guns are also made of a special wood the color of ash; this wood is as durable as metal when the Cindariens carve their runes over it.[/hider] (I hope this is alright? I made up my own race.) [b]Appearance[/b] Physical Description: Argus is of average height, reaching up to about 5’7” and has a lithe yet muscular build. He has long platinum blonde hair that reaches past his shoulders a good bit that he usually keeps tied up with a dark red ribbon. His eyes are a bright frost blue. His arms are covered in blue runic tattoos. Clothing: [hider=Attire][URL=http://s243.photobucket.com/user/nacron/media/0fc196c745c091e8e2909a9a900b1185_zps79a8628c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff9/nacron/0fc196c745c091e8e2909a9a900b1185_zps79a8628c.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] Armour: Argus wears no armor, as he finds it constricting and cumbersome. Other: [b]Background[/b] Faction: Volunteer What do the others on the expedition know of your character after six months of being cooped up on a boat? Argus is a grouch and prefers to be left alone in most situations and is very secluded. He will ignore people sometimes when they attempt to talk to him. When he does talk, however, he makes sure everyone in the area knows how smart he is; he is very much a knowitall. [b]Moral Alignment[/b] Selflessness: 5 Snobbery: 4 Racist Tendencies: 1 Piety: 2.5 (Believes in some sort of higher power, but has not seen actual proof as of yet.) Justice: 5 Sexist Tendencies: 6 [b]Combat[/b] Main Skills: Argus’s primary combative skills rest upon his swordsmanship and dexterity with some support from his elemental and illusion magic. Secondary Skills: If Argus is unable to use his sword, exhausts his magical reserves, or just feels like finishing a fight quickly he will depend upon the single pistol he carries in a holster near the back of his left hip. Primary Weapon: Iver uses his sword in a combination of stabs and slashes due to the shape of the blade as well as his magic as his primary weapons. [hider=Hrothaen][URL=http://s243.photobucket.com/user/nacron/media/larp_pirat_saber_by_bloodworxsander-d49mrfu_zpsb43b7500.jpg.html][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff9/nacron/larp_pirat_saber_by_bloodworxsander-d49mrfu_zpsb43b7500.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] Secondary Weapon: Iver also carries a single pistol of Cindarien make with him for sticky situations. [hider=Pistol][URL=http://s243.photobucket.com/user/nacron/media/e39a38c5139278b20ec91a1d2b2e6476_zpsd20953bf.jpg.html][IMG]http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff9/nacron/e39a38c5139278b20ec91a1d2b2e6476_zpsd20953bf.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] Hidden/Stored Weapons: Argus keeps a small knife coated in poison hidden in his boot. [b]Passive/Support[/b] Main Skills: Argus is a scholar and historian and knows much of the lore surrounding Ironshore as well as most areas because of his travels. He also has very sharp hearing and can pick most locks. Secondary Skills: Argus has a small bit of knowledge in the healing arts as well a little bit of ancient languages and runes Items of Note: Argus carries a small first aid kit, a lockpicking set, several books with him on various subjects, spare shots for his pistol, a few maps, and a blank journal with plenty of ink and pens. [b]Anti-Godmod 3000[/b] Achlies’ Heel: Argus has a problem with authority figures and will most assuredly refuse to listen to one if he does not have respect for them. Argus is an arrogant man and once he believes he is right it is almost impossible to convince him otherwise. He also thinks himself better than a lot of people and therefore will ignore their input or advice until proven without a shadow of a doubt otherwise.