Alexis looked at the little man, the moment his eyes noticed him his eyes turned wide open. "Oh my, interesting, such a small creature and such noticeable features, I've never even read anything that would explain what you are" Then he realized the creature had asked him about the ruins, saying its his territory. "Ah, Well as I had said to you halve giant friend here, I am a Archaeologist, I came here to study the ruins, I visited one specific rare ruin when I was small and have been searching for others of that belong to the same tribe that has made them since, I believe that the ones here are art of them, if I am right then I can finally solve quite some puzzles that have haunted me for years, do not worry, no one knows I am here and I do not plan to give this knowledge out to the world, this is more personal and with that the reason I took this path, now if I may be so blunt, what exactly are you for a creature?"